just another day


Well-Known Member
I see the PG County leaders, (very good democrats) can't seem to plow/treat the public streets after the snowfall. Even the anointed WOC County Executive (that replaced Senator I' dint pay my taxes sukka Also-Brooks), failed her community.
Police Chief Azzizz says that although crime in the County is up, due to Juvenile car jackings and some shootings...its prevailing down,

DC streets are unplowed too. Another Democrat failure.

Murlin is $3 Billion in debt. (Yet another Democrat at the helm).

Democrat Goobernator Nusiance, of California, cut the water supply and defunded the Fire Department, as they are fighting the L.A. fires....

and...... "Fire away".... (Joe Biden)
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PREMO Member
That seems amazing to me.
But in places like DC and Chicago - it is absolutely a one party town - and the November thing is just for show. The primary is where it all happens and in a one party town - the process is as corrupt as all get out. Read about how Obama scuttled his mentor’s (or rather, patron’s) campaign and then proceeded to kick EVERYONE else off the ballot for state senator. How they dug up dirt on Jack Ryan from sealed court records so he could win the Senate.

There’s nothing dirtier than politics in a city where there’s no opposition. But it’s because the voters absolutely believe they have an enemy in Republicans. It’s Democrats - or Nazis.