Just another great day being an American...

Larry Gude

Strung Out


Further proof that...excuse me just a second...BWAAAHAAHAHAHAHAA ....sorry. It's just that after all the condescending Vallerie Liliputien UN crap and the reprimands and....buhahhhhwwahahhahahah!!...excuse please...the hoity toity elite snob SOB's...

Over here:

Arab and Muslim immigrants in the US generally identify themselves as Americans and integrate with relative ease into a society that prides itself on social mobility and has more tolerance for cultural and religious differences, Haddad said.

Ba wid da bah dee dang a dang...

Over there:

13th night of racially incited hate...

S'cuse please:

France, you SUCK

We, my good Lafeyette friends, do not.

explaining that Muslims in the United States are less isolated and homogeneous than their European counterpart.

That's because they are AMERICANS.

noting that France has more Muslim-friendly foreign policy than the United States.

No. They just THINK they do. Asshats. Oops. Umm..Une Chapeau du la ASS.

Le ass?

This just makes me feel good.