On Friday, BioRxIV naively published a blandly-named study titled “Role of spike in the pathogenic and antigenic behavior of SARS-CoV-2 BA.1 Omicron.” There are 23 scientists credited with helping create the study, and the acknowledgements identify it was funded by a major grant from the NIH/NIAID.
The study provides a detailed, step-by-step recipe for how to genetically enhance the Omicron virus to make it vaccine-resistant, lung-penetrable, and 80% lethal.
They didn’t even wait till the first pandemic was over! They’re so excited for a doomsday virus, and so impatient with Mother Nature, that they are going to just manufacture it themselves, through gain-of-function research that should be so toxic it gets you hounded out of your career and driven into a life of humiliating obscurity. Not published.
Think I’m exaggerating? Here’s how the researchers described their work:
We generated chimeric recombinant SARS-CoV-2 encoding the S gene of Omicron in the backbone of an ancestral SARS-CoV-2 isolate and compared this virus with the naturally circulating Omicron variant. The Omicron S-bearing virus robustly escapes vaccine-induced humoral immunity, mainly due to mutations in the receptor binding motif (RBM), yet unlike naturally occurring Omicron, efficiently replicates in cell lines and primary-like distal lung cells. In K18-hACE2 mice, while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80%.
These mad scientists and generous government grant-approvers know better than anyone that we JUST went through a global pandemic almost certainly caused by a virus that was produced by gain of function research to “enhance” its transmissibility and pathogenicity, which LEAKED OUT OF A LAB. And they know it’s been illegal to conduct gain of function research in the U.S. since the Obama Administration.
Why, oh why, are these criminals, I mean scientists, still allowed to tinker around with this kind of explosive material? Why haven’t we ALREADY passed laws criminalizing ALL gain of function research? Seriously. Gain of function research merits the death penalty or something, no appeals. And WHY is the government still PAYING FOR gain of function research, or whatever obtuse euphemism they are using these days to disguise the fact that it’s ‘gain of function research’?
Have we learned NOTHING from the Wuhan lab leak?
Hey, lawmakers: LABS LEAK!! This is the kind of lesson we really, really don’t need to learn again. Pretty please.
How about, instead of paying scientists millions to cook up civilization-ending viruses, we could invest those resources in tracking down rogue terrorists cooking up bugs in garage labs and stuff. We should be finding those people and blowing them to Kingdom Come. Don’t even knock. But, in this case, thanks to our witless ‘health agencies,’ we — taxpayers! — are funding our own destruction.
You’ve GOT to be kidding me. Please tell me I’m dreaming all this.
The preprint study carefully and methodically walks the reader through exactly how the scientists created the ultra-lethal covid variant, step by step, right down to describing the make and model of the incubator, the names and serial numbers of the human cell lines, and the brand of centrifuge. It’s a flipping recipe. Anybody could follow it.
Hello! We’re now about two seconds away from midnight on the Doomsday clock. If we aren’t even smart enough to stop GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH after what the entire world just went through, then we should grudgingly accept the title from the Ch’kkukolaitans, who’ll be relieved to lose their status as the Universe’s most imbecilic civilization.
And, this is just ONE study. If they’re paying for THIS kind of research, imagine what ELSE the government must be funding, scads of other projects described only in obscure, densely-worded grant proposals buried deep in the NIH’s sub-basement file cabinets.
Sometimes I’m convinced we are literally sprinting toward the apocalypse, at the speed of science. All those horrible afflictions in the Book of the Revelation, the terrible boils and deadly plagues and stuff? I’m starting to believe that those aren’t caused by God. I’m starting to believe we’re going to do it to ourselves.
Here’s a link to the study.
And here’s a PDF version archived in my Dropbox, just in case the original has an ‘accident’ or something.
Experts are dangerous morons; the Atlantic talks about jab cancer; NATO are dangerous morons; bodybuilder, WWE star, and pop singer all have sudden, unexpected issues; ULTA steps in it.