Just because


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
OK guys, if you got a good woman at home, then today do something special for her just because.

Stop by the grocery store and pick her up 1 of those bouquet of flowers, just because.

Kick her out of the kitchen and make dinner, just because. Use the good china and set the table with candles. Make sure you straighten up the kitchen afterwards. Can't cook? Make her soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. It's the effort that counts.

If she works hard on her feet all day, give her a foot massage, just because. If she's worn out from sitting in a cubicle and staring at a monitor all day, give her a nice back rub, just because.

I'm sure there are a lot of other thoughtful things that you can think of to do. Do it today, you will thank me tomorrow.

If she thinks that you are up to something, or possibly already did something wrong, then just show her this post.