No because Obama had nothing to do with it. .
You are stunningly wrong about that.
The one thing Obama decided he MUST have is a rebound to the stock market with the knowledge that, whatever resistance he faced on whatever issues, at the end of the day, or each statement, individual investors, as well as institutional investors as well as the 'big' money people would be somewhat subdued in their resistance simply because they were doing better.
This is why he insisted Geithner be on board. This is why he's been behind Bernanke every step of the way.
Now, we can look at the market for what it is; artificial, and we can debate how much risk the whole mess is and we can come to grips with the reality that only because of the Fed endlessly propping the thing up is it doing well, but, the fact remains your, most everyones investments have rebounded BECAUSE of the decisions President Obama has made.
You ought to at least know that if not acknowledge it.