Just like the Commies of the 60's .........



.......... now Islamists are making moves into Hollywood

CAIR's Hollywood "Diversity" Seminar: HAMAS Tightens Its Grip on Hollywood

By Debbie Schlussel

For years I've documented on this site and elsewhere how Hollywood whitewashed Muslim terrorists completely out of most movie and TV scripts. The few times Muslims are actually portrayed as terrorists, we're enlisted to sympathize with them. It's not their fault. It's ours. In addition, they're really working for the White corporate American man (always the case on "24"--read about it here and here, among my other work on this). And most other Muslims are shown as the sweetest, most tolerant, most peaceful, most victimized group of people you'd ever meet on this planet.

Council on American-HAMASic Relations Tightens Its Grip on Hollywood

So, given this, I had to laugh when I received this e-mail and linked "article" from HAMAS unindicted co-conspirator/unindicted terrorist group CAIR--the Council on American-Islamic Relations--in my inbox yesterday. They already control the agenda, but they whine that they need to control the agenda, especially with the folks at FOX who repeatedly kowtowed to them with "24". Absurd, but no surprise:

CAIR-LA, FOX Co-Host 'Hollywood 101' Workshop

(LOS ANGELES, CA, 10/8/07) - The Greater Los Angeles Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) and FOX Television recently co-hosted a "Hollywood 101" workshop and studio tour to introduce aspiring Muslim writers, directors and actors to the entertainment industry. The event, held at FOX Studios in Century City, was also designed to help promote a positive change in Hollywood's portrayal of Muslims and Arabs.

Those taking part in the event included students and entry-level professionals hoping to build contacts in the industry and seeking tips on advancing their careers. Participants were given a tour of the studio lot, a presentation on FOX internships and a one-hour interactive seminar featuring five industry professionals.

One participant, Nadia Afghani, said the unique event introduced her to the possibilities awaiting Muslim artists in the entertainment industry. "The CAIR Hollywood 101 seminar was phenomenal...I walked away that day feeling inspired, motivated, and hopeful for the Muslim (community)," said Afghani.

CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush said efforts to engage media outlets that shape popular culture are crucial to promoting an accurate and balanced portrayal of Muslims in America and around the world.

"Our goal is to help nurture aspiring Muslim artists and to act as facilitators in providing support to emerging Muslim talent in the entertainment industry," said Ayloush.

Ayloush thanked FOX, in particular its Diversity Department, for co-hosting the event and realizing the importance of engaging young American Muslims who seek to work as entertainment content creators.

CAIR, America's largest Islamic civil liberties group, has 33 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

- END -

CONTACT: CAIR-LA Communications Coordinator Munira Syeda, 714-776-1847 or 714-851-4851, E-Mail: socal@cair.com

Hilarious that this is being done through CAIR's "Diversity Department." CAIR is not interested in us seeing a "diversity" of Muslims, just one: the whitewashed kind I've identified above.

They already control the "cleansed" lens through which America sees everything in the entertainment realm. They just want to make sure that they maintain--and tighten--their (and HAMAS') grip on Hollywood.

Keep that in mind with any portrayal of Muslims, Christians, Jews, America, and the Mid-East, that you see coming out of Hollywood.

They're not exactly holding the same kinds of seminars for the Minutemen or the U.S. Military or pro-Israel groups.

Posted by Debbie on October 9, 2007 09:37 AM to Debbie Schlussel



CAIR Revealed


chant down with the Jews, decendants of Apes, @ rallies and demonstrations

CAIR founder says the Koran should be the highest authority in the US and Islam should be the only religion on earth

and this organization has politicians sucking up to it as some sort of moderate Muslim group - how do you negotiate with some one who thinks "Islam should be the only religion"
