just one more question please.....


Well-Known Member
the media has narrowed down the "most likely" selections of Kamala's search for a Veep. They are probably good choices for the left. They certainly carry some working knowledge of the problems of Democracy.

Four WHITE MEN. Easily defined as soft men. SOFT WHITE MEN, one is a Jew. Her husband is a whimpy white man.
Is this an example of art imitating life? You've seen the TV commercials of inept white men and their very smart black wives.

----> BUT is selecting only a WHITE MAN both sexist and racist??? And the Jewish guy. Isn't President K-Woman anti-Israel? <----- THAT, is the question.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I don't know enough about Roy Cooper, but I can't think of why any of those other governors, all Presidential contenders in their own right, would want to serve as Kamala's veep.


the poor dad
I don't know enough about Roy Cooper, but I can't think of why any of those other governors, all Presidential contenders in their own right, would want to serve as Kamala's veep.
Because when the Dems do to cameltoes what they did to lunchbox joe, these guys want to be there to step right in for more power.


Well-Known Member
Not sure they can do to kamala what they did to Joebama. Kamala is not demented, she is just plain stupid. I don't believe they can threaten a sitting President for being stupid.I believe they will toss Kamala aside at the convention.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Not sure they can do to kamala what they did to Joebama. Kamala is not demented, she is just plain stupid. I don't believe they can threaten a sitting President for being stupid.I believe they will toss Kamala aside at the convention.
Not if her poll numbers continue to hold until the convention.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Andy Beshear would be a great pick for the Dems, but apparently he hasn't even been contacted. :lol:

Sanity need not apply!