Just read an article about NASCAR getting tougher.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
The article said that NASCAR was going to start getting tougher on teams who fail post race inspections. Instead of the normal monetary fine, they are talking about pulling the points earned from the race from the team. Seems like a good idea to me, a guy who just won $400,00 won't think much about a $25,000 fine, but if you pull 179 points from him, he might start playing by the rules.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I know!

At each town the circus comes to, a local auto dealer supplies what, 40 cars of the exact same make and model. Say Ford in Charlotte. Chevy get's a chance at Daytona and so on. Alternate.

You simply throw all the keys into a bowl and draw straws, driver reaches in, sees what # car he got, get's 15 minute to put his signage and number on the car and, viola, no more cheating!

Then we can have a us a real 'stock' car race. We'll see who the best crew is and we'll see, for damn sure, who the best driver is.