Just Received 2015 Catholic Opinion Research Survey.....


Well-Known Member
.....and promptly answered all the questions. Most were legit questions that conservatives agree upon concerning religious liberties and the wrong direction the progressives are taking us. A few were poorly worded or ridiculously slanted that I answered "other, and the reason" to.

I did not pay the $10 survey processing fee, and I don't know their basis for thinking I am, or ever was, a catholic.

If you get one, send it in!


Well-Known Member
You mean progressives like your pope who believes in gay marriage, global warming, birth control, and socialism?

Dude, did you read my post? "and I don't know their basis for thinking I am, or ever was, a catholic."? From that you could not deduce that I am most certainly not catholic?


I think surveys are excuses to collect $10. It is like calling a major corporation and saying something is wrong. Nothing ever happens as a result.


New Member
Dude, did you read my post? "and I don't know their basis for thinking I am, or ever was, a catholic."? From that you could not deduce that I am most certainly not catholic?

I'm curious. What kind of questions are you talking about.



Well-Known Member
I think surveys are excuses to collect $10. It is like calling a major corporation and saying something is wrong. Nothing ever happens as a result.

I don't really care about this one - they got no $ from me, plus mailed the no return address envelope without a stamp ( not a business reply mailing). If the want it, they can pay the postage due. Surveys do get read and compiled with the only aim of benefiting the organization that mailed it.

I don't mind answering the questions - I'm one of those "retarr-ed peeps that does have some time on my hands.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious. What kind of questions are you talking about.


Just routine questions, from the conservative, Christian (and pro-catholic) political perspective. A lot like you would get from the RNC, NRA, pro-life groups.
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