Just started up.....


New Member
So I need your advice. I just started selling Avon and within the last 3 days of doing so, I have made 6 new customers and they are VERY SATISFIED.... My question is, would it be worth my while to place avon books in peoples mailboxes, or place the books in the driveways ?? I was told that this may be illegal but I need the business. Does anyone have any ideas ??? Thanks :buddies:
There is another thread about this very subject already. It's very informative. You should go read it.


New Member
Yes I have started up on Monday and I just dont wanna step on anyones toes, and get myself in any trouble. I just would like to get the word out and give some great deals without doing something illegal. Help..LOL
Yes I have started up on Monday and I just dont wanna step on anyones toes, and get myself in any trouble. I just would like to get the word out and give some great deals without doing something illegal. Help..LOL

Maybe you should start out instead of start up. There is some useful info about that in the start out thread.


Soul Probe
Yes I have started up on Monday and I just dont wanna step on anyones toes, and get myself in any trouble. I just would like to get the word out and give some great deals without doing something illegal. Help..LOL

You could post business cards in local grocery stores, mom-pop stores, etc. I've also seen flyers for local businesses on the table at the post office so maybe you could try that. Personally, I get ticked when someone throws spam or unwanted flyers in my driveway, so I wouldn't recommend that.


In My Opinion
I would find a busy intersection with a light and sell the stuff like a mexican selling roses.


Lem Putt
So I need your advice. I just started selling Avon and within the last 3 days of doing so, I have made 6 new customers and they are VERY SATISFIED.... My question is, would it be worth my while to place avon books in peoples mailboxes, or place the books in the driveways ?? I was told that this may be illegal but I need the business. Does anyone have any ideas ??? Thanks :buddies:

Definitely put the books in mailboxes, throw them on driveways, and put them on cars in the parking lot at WalMart. :yay: