Just the Facts


New Member
JK Today: John Kerry wraps up his College Tour with a blow-out “Change Starts with U” rally at the University of Pittsburgh. With a poll this week showing John Kerry has a 10 point margin over George Bush among college students, he will talk about what’s at stake for young people in the election of 2004.

John Kerry: Service for College

· Service is already a way of life for millions of students who are breaking records with their community involvement. And following September 11th, Americans everywhere were ready to serve and sacrifice like no time since World War II.

· But George Bush squandered that moment. While so many Americans were asking “what can I do?”, George Bush was turning back bipartisan proposals to expand service programs. Instead of keeping his promise to expand AmeriCorps, his bureaucratic failures ended up cutting its budget and pushing more students out of service.

· John Kerry’s Compact with the Next Generation renews the basic promise at the heart of America: if you do right by your country, your country will do right by you. That’s why John Kerry will create the largest expansion of national service in history. Within a decade, he will enlist 500,000 Americans in service programs, and will help every single one of them pay for four years of college.

· This year, college tuition rose at a record 28%, putting the price of college beyond the reach of 220,000 Americans who could have afforded it last year. Too many students are graduating college so burdened with debt that they’re spending the rest of their lives paying it off. This is wrong.

· John Kerry’s “Service for College” offers a simple deal to thousands of Americans: If you will serve for two years in one of America’s toughest and most important jobs, we will pay for four years of tuition at the typical public university.

· “Service for College” will ask young people to help America fulfill some of our greatest needs – building homes, mentoring children, keeping our communities clean, and helping to protect our homeland.

· John Kerry will pay for these initiatives by ending a $13 billion "windfall" that banks earn for making government-backed student loans.

John Kerry: A Plan to Win in Iraq

· John Kerry has laid out a plan to win the peace in Iraq. Today, we are paying the price for this Administration’s failure to come up with such a plan and their decision to go-it-alone in Iraq. It’s time for a new direction.

· The extremists attacking our forces should know they will not succeed in dividing America, and John Kerry is committed to help the Iraqis build a stable, peaceful and pluralistic society.

· John Kerry has a three-step plan to proceed in Iraq:

1. Improve Security in Iraq. If our military commanders request more troops, we should deploy them, and we should give our troops the equipment and the support they need to fight. We must also develop a political strategy that leads to the creation of an Iraqi governing entity that has popular legitimacy.

2. Make the United Nations a Full Partner. The UN should be a full partner in Iraq, responsible for the political transition while the U.S. remains responsible for the international military coalition. The Administration has finally acknowledged their failures by turning to U.N. representative Lakhdar Brahimi to develop a formula for an interim Iraqi government that each of the major Iraqi factions can accept. We must let him accomplish this mission. And the United States should say in advance that we stand by the plan he proposes.

3. Get Greater International Military Support. We should urge NATO to create a new out-of-area operation for Iraq under the lead of a U.S. commander. This would help us obtain more troops from major powers. The events of the past week will make other countires reluctant to put their citizens at risk. But we can bring in the international community if we place the remainder of the Iraqi transition under international authority.

George Bush’s Press Conference: Mistakes Were Made

· As Senator Kerry and countless others have said, we must continue to support our troops and make sure that they have all they need to win the peace in Iraq.

· But the President has again failed to lay out a plan or strategy for Iraq other than hunkering down and continuing down the wrong path we’re on.

· President Bush accepted no responsibility and made no apology for his failed Iraq policies.

He had the opportunity to put to rest the many unanswered questions that about Iraq, the missing WMD, and his plans to bring stability to the region. He did not do that.

· Instead, he continued to erode his own credibility by repeating claims that have been proven false, like linking 9/11 and Iraq – a connection that even he has previously disavowed.

· We all accept the need for a free Iraq, but with deaths mounting and American sacrifice increasing, we need a plan that secures real international involvement, gets the targets off our troops, and moves toward a real handoff of power that results in an Iraq that is both free and democratic.

· What we heard from President Bush about the situation in Iraq is at odds with what we are seeing every night on the TV news about Iraq.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Are you just using this forum as your blog or do you want to be corrected? Because if you want "the FACTS", I'm happy to share my son's letters home with you:

· What we heard from President Bush about the situation in Iraq is at odds with what we are seeing every night on the TV news about Iraq.
What I hear from my son, who's over there, is the same as what I've heard Bush and Rumsfeld say. What is "at odds" is what CNN, MSNBC and other lib media outlets are "reporting".

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Yep, this group, with the lowest historic voter turnout (a real fact), is the one I think the "smart" candidate should be wasting effort on.


This Space for Rent
Those students just want another Vietnam. They idolize the 60s and just want to be a part of it. They bring all the Vietnam rhetoric forward and make it their pinnacle of self-meaning all for a glimpse of being part of the hollywoodized 60s they grew up watching in film and tv. IMHO.

Selling young college students and high schoolers a cause without evidence is like shooting fish in a shotglass.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This year, college tuition rose at a record 28%, putting the price of college beyond the reach of 220,000 Americans who could have afforded it last year. Too many students are graduating college so burdened with debt that they’re spending the rest of their lives paying it off. This is wrong.
DID YOU KNOW that the federal government currently provides beaucoup buckage so that poor kids can go to college just like their moneyed brethren? AND that most universities kick in the dough, too? It's true! You file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and they come back with your EFC (Expected Family Contribution) based on your financial need. Then you tell them which colleges you're applying to and the school comes back to you with money so you can go to school. The less money you have, the more the schools kick in to help you out.

You can also get federally subsidized student loans AND Pell Grants (which is free money). There is no reason why any kid who wants it can't get a college education.

Guess where this money for poor students comes from? That's right, kids - RICH PEOPLE!!! They pay exorbitant tuition costs AND alumni associations cough up money as well - the rest comes out of our tax dollars.

DID YOU KNOW that Harvard - yes, HARVARD - offers FREE and reduced tuition for financially challenged students?

I'll take the rest of your "points" apart in a while - gotta get some work done.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
John Kerry has laid out a plan to win the peace in Iraq. Today, we are paying the price for this Administration’s failure to come up with such a plan and their decision to go-it-alone in Iraq. It’s time for a new direction.
Since we are "going it alone" in Iraq, please explain the Italians, Poles, Germans, Brits, Ukrainians, Thais, Danes, Salvadorans, etc, etc, etc, that are over there.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Since we are "going it alone" in Iraq, please explain the Italians, Poles, Germans, Brits, Ukrainians, Thais, Danes, Salvadorans, etc, etc, etc, that are over there.

Don't forget the Japanese. :bubble:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Since we are "going it alone" in Iraq, please explain the Italians, Poles, Germans, Brits, Ukrainians, Thais, Danes, Salvadorans, etc, etc, etc, that are over there.

I thought the Germans stayed out of it:confused:


Super Genius
Originally posted by Sparx
· This year, college tuition rose at a record 28%, putting the price of college beyond the reach of 220,000 Americans who could have afforded it last year. Too many students are graduating college so burdened with debt that they’re spending the rest of their lives paying it off. This is wrong.

· John Kerry’s “Service for College” offers a simple deal to thousands of Americans: If you will serve for two years in one of America’s toughest and most important jobs, we will pay for four years of tuition at the typical public university.

· John Kerry will pay for these initiatives by ending a $13 billion "windfall" that banks earn for making government-backed student loans.
Ok, quick math...he's going to use $13B to send 220k to college. That turns out to be $5900/student. I don't think that's enough money to fund his plan. You also need to fund the service program.

As usual, Kerry has some nice ideas that people would love to see, but has completely unrealistic ways to pay for them.


This Space for Rent
I like how he calls it a "windfall'. What he means is the banks will no longer take a 2% fee for all the administrative load they take writing and funding these loans.

Windfall, my ass. Let's go ahead and make the banks pay an unfunded mandate (a tax) for writing loans to students so they can go to college. I wonder if Sparx realizes banks have to pay employees, for supplies (i.e. paper, computers, data space, etc..), and fund the loan. It sounds like a good promise till you see it for what it is -- making banks pay for the writing of student loans without getting funded for it. 2% for all the administrative costs to write a loan is not a whole lot.

In addition, these loans are lower interest rates than other loans and typically get locked in at well below market rates for long periods of times. Banks get guaranteed loans of many other forms that pay much higher rates. This is not a money maker for the banks -- just a safe investment. If they start paying for the administrative costs on top of such low rates, why should they want to fund students?

Woot! Go common sense!


Originally posted by FromTexas
I wonder if Sparx realizes banks have to pay employees, for supplies (i.e. paper, computers, data space, etc..), and fund the loan.
Sparx only realizes what his handlers tell him.


Originally posted by dems4me
I disagree -- I think sparx is very smart and articulate.:smile:
But you were on the Dean wagon and you got duped out of $50 by some goober who gave you a slick story, so I am going to treat your opinion like Canadian money and discount it 70%.


Originally posted by Pete
But you were on the Dean wagon and you got duped out of $50 by some goober who gave you a slick story, so I am going to treat your opinion like Canadian money and discount it 70%.

Shouldn't I get points for compassion for others?:frown:


Originally posted by dems4me
Shouldn't I get points for compassion for others?:frown:
Ok, to prove that conservatives are not without compassion, I will knock the discount down to 68%