Just To Lighten Up A Boring Friday


No Use for Donk Twits


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Well-Known Member

This seems like a fairly simple thing in my mind...

If it comes out later that this is in fact the reason, I want credit for at least first putting it out there :lol:

There is some nerve in your back (spinal area if I recall correctly...may even be something on your spinal cord) that causes sexual arousal (in women) when stimulated. I feel confident that this could be the simple cause of this condition (the nerves in the brain are constantly activating/stimulating this area of the spine).

Anyone else know what i'm talking about?


No Use for Donk Twits
This seems like a fairly simple thing in my mind...

If it comes out later that this is in fact the reason, I want credit for at least first putting it out there :lol:

There is some nerve in your back (spinal area if I recall correctly...may even be something on your spinal cord) that causes sexual arousal (in women) when stimulated. I feel confident that this could be the simple cause of this condition (the nerves in the brain are constantly activating/stimulating this area of the spine).

Anyone else know what i'm talking about?

That nerve isn't in my spine! :razz:


Well-Known Member
That nerve isn't in my spine! :razz:

ha ha. Seriously though. I saw something on tv before (obviously that doesn't make it true :lol:) about them trying to develop something to surgically implant to stimulate (I think it was more of a very small electroshock though) the nerve whenever the woman chose. I'm curious now if it could be something that simple and the doctors just aren't thinking out of the box?


Well-Known Member

oh, and on another note...
I think that this study is :bs: :lol:

I am all for teaching "safe sex" as opposed to "abstinence only", and for kids developing their sexual activity at their own pace...but this study just seems like a way to say "you NEED to have sex younger to avoid problems" whenever in reality I think the people with the issues would probably have them whether or not they had sex younger (As the article suggests)


No Use for Donk Twits
hehehe...i don't know but I have to go post the links to these articles/pictures over in that "prude" thread someone made about the poster in a store or something :lmao:

Glad I never ran into that thread. Thought the pic was funny, that's why I uploaded the thing. The headline and pic were better than the article.


Well-Known Member
Glad I never ran into that thread. Thought the pic was funny, that's why I uploaded the thing. The headline and pic were better than the article.

The articles were sort of interesting but I didn't REALLY learn anything new.

here is that other thread :lol:


I wouldn't read through it if I were you though, lots of bickering and other childishness :lol: (my way is right because I said so...ect)

Apparently it caused me to get put on iggy by someone though, as far as I know thats a first :lmao: but what are ya gunna do?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

This has gotta be distracting!

...maybe women can relate to being a man?

They are constantly on the edge of orgasm regardless of time, place or circumstance.

Nope. False alarm.

And while this situation might sound desirable, funny or just plain weird it is actually akin to being a prisoner: a nightmarish reality where a woman's body acts independently of her own desires.




No Use for Donk Twits
The articles were sort of interesting but I didn't REALLY learn anything new.

here is that other thread :lol:


I wouldn't read through it if I were you though, lots of bickering and other childishness :lol: (my way is right because I said so...ect)

Apparently it caused me to get put on iggy by someone though, as far as I know thats a first :lmao: but what are ya gunna do?

I wouldn't want my step-daughter to see it, but she'd be the kind to mention girls at school (by name) who do that in the hallways!