Kansas vs USF


Dancing Up A Storm
It's on ESPN right now.

The cameras are focusing on the coach of Kansas, and if you have any perception at all, you know, you can see - this guy has to be in the 350-400lb range.

How does a coach, who looks like that, get the respect of the football players, who play for him?


It's on ESPN right now.

The cameras are focusing on the coach of Kansas, and if you have any perception at all, you know, you can see - this guy has to be in the 350-400lb range.

How does a coach, who looks like that, get the respect of the football players, who play for him?

And I read this post thinking it would be all about the super exciting 2nd half this has been :stupid: :lol: Its tied 34 to 34 with 4:52 left in regulation.:doh:


Wow 34 seconds and USF intercepts and does a heck of a runback and down into field goal rage for USF... Great game! :clap:


2 seconds left in the game and USF goes for field goal... Kansas uses a time out to freeze kicker... and game gets back... its goooooood... barely :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
2 seconds left in the game and USF goes for field goal... Kansas uses a time out to freeze kicker... and game gets back... its goooooood... barely :lol:

Hell of a game, no getting around that!

Go, USF! What a finish!