Karaoke for Hospice


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Attention all singers and wannabe singers!

This Saturday is the 11th Annual Karaoke for Hospice, held at the FOP Lodge in Great Mills. Your hosts are Scarlett Plus Karaoke & DJ and all proceeds go to benefit Hospice of St. Mary's.

If you'd like to sing or would like to sponsor a singer, call Nellie Horton at 301-994-0592.

Here's how it works:

Singers collect pledges to do one or more songs, sort of like a Walk-A-Thon. There's a First and Second prize for the two singers who bring in the most money. You can also show up and sponsor a singer on the fly, and many people do that.

This is a totally fun event for the whole family and it benefits a good cause. In fact, one of our other forum members (he'll identify himself if he wants) and I put on the first one back in 1994, so it's very dear to my heart.

Starts at 3 and goes until 9. There will be food, drinks, door prizes, raffles and all kinds of stuff. If ya'll can get out there this Saturday, do because it's a blast!


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Awwww. shucks Vrai... touting a charity organization..
I knew you had a heart somewhere in there. :huggy:

What does Hospice do anyways?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by sleuth
Awwww. shucks Vrai... touting a charity organization..
I knew you had a heart somewhere in there. :huggy:

What does Hospice do anyways?
What is Hospice?


Hospice is a special concept of care designed to provide comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-oriented treatments.

Hospice care neither prolongs life nor hastens death. Hospice staff and volunteers offer a specialized knowledge of medical care, including pain management.

The goal of hospice care is to improve the quality of a patient's last days by offering comfort and dignity.

Hospice care is provided by a team-oriented group of specially trained professionals, volunteers and family members.

Hospice addresses all symptoms of a disease, with a special emphasis on controlling a patient's pain and discomfort.

Hospice deals with the emotional, social and spiritual impact of the disease on the patient and the patient's family and friends.
Hospice offers a variety of bereavement and counseling services to families before and after a patient's death.

Nanny Pam

The Hospital recommended Hospice for my Mom. We brought her home. Hospice was unbelievable with all they did for Mom's last days. They provided us with training, and made sure Mom did NOT have any pain. They were truly a God-send.

Go on out as a SOMD group. Have fun. This is a charity that is too often overlooked.

Just my 2 cents.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Nanny Pam
The Hospital recommended Hospice for my Mom. We brought her home. Hospice was unbelievable with all they did for Mom's last days. They provided us with training, and made sure Mom did NOT have any pain. They were truly a God-send.

Go on out as a SOMD group. Have fun. This is a charity that is too often overlooked.

Just my 2 cents.

Sorry to hear about that, NP. Glad they made a bad situation better.

Actually, I don't think Hospice is an overlooked charity in our community. Hospice functions are always packed. Other organizations like the car clubs (St. Mary's Rod & Classic, Southern Maryland Corvette Club) are big supporters of Hospice. Thankfully, our community supports this fine organization.