The fake smile, the kindergarten teacher cadence, the buzzphrases.... (shudder) I'm having PTSD right now....
A kindergarten teacher turned TikTok influencer has gone viral for her advice during a “white women for Kamala” Zoom call.
Arielle Fodor, who goes by Mrs Frazzled
on TikTok where she has 1.3 million followers and is known for giving “gentle parenting” advice, was the breakout star of Thursday’s livestream, which was titled “White Women: Answer the Call”.
Fodor told her fellow white women that they need to “use our privilege to make positive changes” and that they should refrain from “talking over or speaking for BIPOC individuals”. BIPOC means “black, Indigenous and people of colour”.
“We are here because BIPOC women have tapped us in as white women to step up, listen and get involved this election season,” Fodor said.
“This is a really important time and we all need to use our voices and influence for the greater good. No matter who you are you are all influencers in some way.”