karma koma


New Member
This is my 91st post...well, it should be. I'm learning not to trust the math in this environment. It seems to be of the fluid, banana republic nature. Take for instance:

I clicked on my control panel and looked up my karma history for chits and giggles and discovered something shocking. What should have been a sea of red dots (accompanied by foaming, party-whore commentary) was a tad more mixed. I've actually enjoyed nine yays, one abstention, 10 nays (including two for my excellent idea to arm holy-rollers with Tec-9s as a way to thin their herd) in my tenure here.

Seems strange that such a close tally would result in a karma rating of 0/-3,292,220. Sounds like somebody has his hand in the ballot box. And how does one manage to rack up three million negative points on a board that serves an area with a population of barely 300,000? I suspected that I might be the victim of monitor bullyism. Perhaps, they are fining me 500,000 karma points every time I bichslap poor, hapless Trevor Bothwell. But, if that was the case, I should have far less than -3,000,000 points. Maybe I should go boot him again for good measure...

What does -3,292,220 actually mean, anyway? I'm quite sure it's mathematically worthless. Maybe it's supposed to mean that I'm a baaaaad boy. "Don't hang out with soul4sale. He's one of THOSE guys. His way leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. And hate leads to Awesome."

I regret to say that this public shaming doesn't seem to be having the intended effect. I think...yes...I'm quite sure: It's making me cool. You heard me, squares, your bright, green, happy karma bars just indicate that you're a bunch of brownosers. Everyone knows that being antisocial is sexier.

I'm off to tear holes in my jeans and find a Metallica T-shirt...losers. :dude:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
soul4sale said:
I think...yes...I'm quite sure: It's making me cool. You heard me, squares, your bright, green, happy karma bars just indicate that you're a bunch of brownosers. Everyone knows that being antisocial is sexier.
Yep. And I'm sure that's what you believe, seeing as you created a whole new thread to complain about getting it in the first place.
I'm off to tear holes in my jeans and find a Metallica T-shirt...losers. :dude:
Sour grapes much?


Hairy Harry
soul4sale said:
This is my 91st post...well, it should be. I'm learning not to trust the math in this environment. It seems to be of the fluid, banana republic nature. Take for instance:

I clicked on my control panel and looked up my karma history for chits and giggles and discovered something shocking. What should have been a sea of red dots (accompanied by foaming, party-whore commentary) was a tad more mixed. I've actually enjoyed nine yays, one abstention, 10 nays (including two for my excellent idea to arm holy-rollers with Tec-9s as a way to thin their herd) in my tenure here.

Seems strange that such a close tally would result in a karma rating of 0/-3,292,220. Sounds like somebody has his hand in the ballot box. And how does one manage to rack up three million negative points on a board that serves an area with a population of barely 300,000? I suspected that I might be the victim of monitor bullyism. Perhaps, they are fining me 500,000 karma points every time I bichslap poor, hapless Trevor Bothwell. But, if that was the case, I should have far less than -3,000,000 points. Maybe I should go boot him again for good measure...

What does -3,292,220 actually mean, anyway? I'm quite sure it's mathematically worthless. Maybe it's supposed to mean that I'm a baaaaad boy. "Don't hang out with soul4sale. He's one of THOSE guys. His way leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. And hate leads to Awesome."

I regret to say that this public shaming doesn't seem to be having the intended effect. I think...yes...I'm quite sure: It's making me cool. You heard me, squares, your bright, green, happy karma bars just indicate that you're a bunch of brownosers. Everyone knows that being antisocial is sexier.

I'm off to tear holes in my jeans and find a Metallica T-shirt...losers. :dude:

:howdy: Remember me from Rose's?


New Member
karma koma epilogue

Samspade: (4.5) Can't get one past you, you hunky super-sleuth wannabe, you. Work that sense of humor in the off-season, and we'll see if that nasty North Korean judge won't give you a higher score and bring up that average.

Penn: (0.9) Bleah. Me tooism belly flop. Take up acting.

vrai: (9.3) My lovely adversary. Thanks for showing up.

Mikeinsmd: (3.6) Way to think big. Bet you get a positively erotic thrill out of calling people "noobs" too. PS: At least my parents taught me which motorized sporting events are worth watching.

Lenny: (8.9) Your score would have been higher, but you went to the profile. All you had to do was ask vrai, and she would have gladly told you that I was just being my usual mouthy prik self.

Flowerchild (7.9) Harry Potter!? Still, you get a decent score, b/c Potter is on your inner thigh. Something really nasty about it that I like. It's like having Charlie Brown on one's a$$.


I'm proud to say that as I close in on 2,900 posts, I've still yet to even check what my karma whatever thing even is. I remain, as ever, a member of the Couldn't Care Less What Others Think wing of the party. :cheers:


The Pegster
soul4sale said:
This is my 91st post...well, it should be. I'm learning not to trust the math in this environment. It seems to be of the fluid, banana republic nature. Take for instance:

I clicked on my control panel and looked up my karma history for chits and giggles and discovered something shocking. What should have been a sea of red dots (accompanied by foaming, party-whore commentary) was a tad more mixed. I've actually enjoyed nine yays, one abstention, 10 nays (including two for my excellent idea to arm holy-rollers with Tec-9s as a way to thin their herd) in my tenure here.

Seems strange that such a close tally would result in a karma rating of 0/-3,292,220. Sounds like somebody has his hand in the ballot box. And how does one manage to rack up three million negative points on a board that serves an area with a population of barely 300,000? I suspected that I might be the victim of monitor bullyism. Perhaps, they are fining me 500,000 karma points every time I bichslap poor, hapless Trevor Bothwell. But, if that was the case, I should have far less than -3,000,000 points. Maybe I should go boot him again for good measure...

What does -3,292,220 actually mean, anyway? I'm quite sure it's mathematically worthless. Maybe it's supposed to mean that I'm a baaaaad boy. "Don't hang out with soul4sale. He's one of THOSE guys. His way leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. And hate leads to Awesome."

I regret to say that this public shaming doesn't seem to be having the intended effect. I think...yes...I'm quite sure: It's making me cool. You heard me, squares, your bright, green, happy karma bars just indicate that you're a bunch of brownosers. Everyone knows that being antisocial is sexier.

I'm off to tear holes in my jeans and find a Metallica T-shirt...losers. :dude:

Looks like you're GREEN now... Somebody must like something!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I'm proud to say that as I close in on 2,900 posts, I've still yet to even check what my karma whatever thing even is.
So, in other words, all the green karma I gave you for your particularly insightful posts was completely wasted?



aka Mrs. Giant
soul4sale said:
I regret to say that this public shaming doesn't seem to be having the intended effect. I think...yes...I'm quite sure: It's making me cool. You heard me, squares, your bright, green, happy karma bars just indicate that you're a bunch of brownosers. Everyone knows that being antisocial is sexier.

I'm off to tear holes in my jeans and find a Metallica T-shirt...losers. :dude:
Wow. :really: I think I am in love. :swoon: I'm gonna have to borrow kizzy's flag. :lmao: