Kathleen Kenedy Townson Lies



"Bob Urlich voted to eliminate the board of education..."

Ok I dont know this for sure but when and what bill was it that proposed eliminating the board of education? Was it just going to close all public schools and make the kids educate themselves? LOL Or was the bill just to change the name? I guess that could be called eliminating it LOL

This one makes me laugh every time I hear it.


You have to question a candidate who is willing to bend the truth in half in an effort to be elected....:frown: What will she do if she actually makes it into office. My advice... Everyone start praying now!


New Member
What about lies from Bob Ehrlich huh? Or his hypocrisy. How about criticizing Democratic ethics and his running mate writes an illegal divorce agreement? Discussing the budget shortfall and not mentioning that forty states have them due to the national shortfall. And Bob did vote to cut the education budget drastically through his support of Newt Gringrich for Speaker of the House.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Not only that but in KKT's commercials, she looks so evil I keep expecting her to turn into MechaStreisand or something. Like she'll suddenly morph into Rodin and start eating buildings.

I'm scared of her.


demsformd I havent seen any Urlich commercials on TV, I dont think who the govenor is has any effect on me what so ever so I dont pay too much attention except when the commercials are on TV

Please answer my question, when was there ever a bill to eliminate the board of education? What bill was it?

That statement is just so redicilous it sticks out like a sore thumb.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Not only lies from Queen Kathleen...

Townsend workers continue illegal campaign tactics

Republican gubernatorial nominee Bob Ehrlich's campaign has called for Kathleen Kennedy Townsend to demand that her supporters immediately stop their illegal campaign tactics.

The Ehrlich campaign reissued its request after its office was flooded with calls from Maryland Department of Natural Resources workers, who found illegally distributed pro-Townsend campaign literature in their state office mailboxes.

Other state workers have called to report other aggressive tactics. They've been told to remove Ehrlich bumper stickers from their cars, or risk losing the right to park in state parking lots. State workers whose cars sport Townsend bumper stickers do not face sanctions.

"All we can do is shake our heads and once again ask Mrs. Townsend to control her campaign staff," said Ehrlich. "She's in charge of criminal justice in Maryland. You'd think she'd want all Maryland's laws enforced and not ignore those she finds inconvenient."

Townsend faulted for background checks lapse

House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner announced this week that up to 500 criminals bought rifles and shotguns this year because the state of Maryland did not perform routine background checks required under federal law.

Sensenbrenner asked the U. S. General Accounting Office to investigate how the Glendening-Townsend Administration spent $6.7 million in federal funds it received to improve and modernize its criminal record keeping practices.

"As (Maryland's) point person for criminal justice matters, I expect the Lieutenant Governor of Maryland to fully cooperate with the General Accounting Office investigation," Sensenbrenner stated.

"Well-intentioned gun laws are ineffective without well-run government," stated Bob Ehrlich. "The Glendening-Townsend administration and its chief crime fighter, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, have failed to meet their most basic obligation: to keep guns out of the hands of criminals."

The woman hasn't got a clue how to properly run the state. But people will vote for her because "She was a warm and affable person that genuinely cared about me. I am sure she is more informed concerning state issues than Mr. Ehrlich. So I think she deserves our votes." :lmao:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Not only lies from Queen Kathleen...

Originally posted by Sharon

"She was a warm and affable person that genuinely cared about me. I am sure she is more informed concerning state issues than Mr. Ehrlich. So I think she deserves our votes." :lmao:

G*d Sharon... What webpage did you cut that moronic quote from? Thats the kind of idiotic statement I'd expect from Smcdem or Demsformd.
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Townsend’s ad says it was H. Con. Res. 67 that Ehrlich supported for eliminating the Department of Education. H. Con. Res. 67 was a bill setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal years, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002. Nothing in it talks about the elimination of the Department of Education. There was a bill in the same session (104th Congress) submitted by Joel Hefley of Colorado, HR 1318, that called for that specific item but it never even made it out of committee. How many people would actually check what she has said? I did and it is pure unadulterated BS.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kyle

G*d Sharon... What webpage did you cut that moronic quote from? Thats the kind of idiotic statement I'd expect from Smcdem or Demsformd.
:lmao: The shoe fits! :roflmao:


The Gingrich Republicans wanted to get rid of the federal Department of Education, and pass the funding and control of education to the states. This department overseas about 54 billion dollars, but ti does it by levying taxes, or "passthroughs" on the money that it sends to schools. After state and local education departments get their cuts, there isn't much left for the kids. The DOE takes 10 percent or more off the top, and for what? To try to develop a one-size-fits-all education approach for all schools nationwide???


Chairman of the Board
Can someone give me an intelligent, informed reason why we should even HAVE a Department of Education? Aren't public schools throughout the country all funded by state funds? Why does it make sense to send extra money to Washington, so they can send it back? What purpose does it serve, that isn't being done already by the states themselves?

And remind me - this was a cabinet position created by Carter, right? I keep forgetting.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Frank
... What purpose does it serve, that isn't being done already by the states themselves?...
If we didn't have a Federal Department of Education we couldn't ensure that every second grader has a three-pack of condoms, a self-esteem counselor and his/her copies of those classic American literature greats "Tommy Has Two Daddies", "Becky Has Two Mommies" and "Sammy Has Three Daddies - Two Mommies and Lots of Leather Things"



New Member
Ah, you guys are just upset your boy has lost all momentum...I'm sure it was fun for you while it lasted!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, I'm going to vote for someone who's not a race-baiter and not so stupid they have to have an earpiece at every event so their staff can tell them what to say. That would be Bob Ehrlich. You can vote for MechaStreisand if you want to.

Oh...that's right...I forgot...YOU CAN'T VOTE!!!


Its interesting that nobody that supports KKT addressed my question except the childing Im rubber your glue type of comment.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Heretic
"Bob Urlich voted to eliminate the board of education..."

Ok I dont know this for sure but when and what bill was it that proposed eliminating the board of education? Was it just going to close all public schools and make the kids educate themselves? LOL Or was the bill just to change the name? I guess that could be called eliminating it LOL

This one makes me laugh every time I hear it.

Wasn't there some deal in one of the big counties where the school board threw the Administrator out, and then the county council removed the school board, and then they re-hired the administrator? Could that be the "incident" KKT refers to in her commercials?

Or could it be the US Department of Education that he wanted to eliminate?? That would be a good idea!! Put education back in the hands of states and localities where the forefathers intended it to be!


I don't think that would be a problem in Maryland or Virginia, but you gotta know the idea of state directed education scares folks in states like Alabama and Mississippi. :biggrin: