Katrina and Mississippi - a different story - not reported.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
This kind of goes hand in hand with the media reporting sensationalism instead of news. This story is not being reported by the big media. Why? Because it is not sensational; it is news. Good news at that.


You're right to be sick about New Orleans. They've turned into a bunch of animals over there. The idiots are shooting at the people who are trying to help them! I think for the most part it's due to the frustration caused by the lack of response by their state government.

Nationally, everybody is so focused on what's going on in New Orleans, the Mississippi story is going un-reported.

It's one of the bright things that is happening now.

We are not leaving our people to wallow and starve in their own filth, and the cadavers of loved ones. We're finding the live ones and getting them north as fast as possible. Most of the hundreds showing up here have at least had a meal and a bath.

Gov. Haley Barbour and his administration will come out as true heroes in this disaster once the total story is told. The differences between the Louisiana and Mississippi responses are truly startling. Haley and MEMA had already had Mississippi declared a disaster area two days before Katrina hit. What does that mean? A lot.


Complete story.


wandering aimlessly
And that is why I'm tired of hearing about NO. Mississippi took the brunt of that storm. My friend's daughter is stationed in Biloxi. She said the reason we don't hear about Mississippi is because IT HAD ITS ACT TOGETHER. IT IS TAKING CARE OF THINGS. Every bit of aid I've sent has been to Mississippi.


Among other things
I think a big difference between NO and MS is that MS had "normal" cat. 4 hurricane damage whereas NO had the levee breaks which made things much worse. I feel for all of them but I still wouldn't live below sea level anywhere.