Katrina transcripts


Working for the weekend
This is going to stir the pot....... :elaine:
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Six months after Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans, a newly released video transcript from the day the hurricane struck seems to reinforce stinging criticism that governments at all levels were ill-prepared for the storm that flooded most of the city and killed more than 1,300 people.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What does that mean - "ill-prepared"? When a big friggin' hurricane is on a path toward a major metropolitan area, I'm not really sure how you prepare for that besides evacuating the city, which they DID try to do.

Ideally the NOLA government would have spent their fed bucks reinforcing those levies instead of paying it out in graft and welfare. But they didn't. So what could have been done?

George Bush can cry and self-flagellate all he wants, but the fact is that those people were told to evacuate and some of them decided not to. As far as the property destruction - what's so hard to understand? New Orleans is no stranger to hurricanes - hell, they even have a drink named after them. So they know that hurricanes cause damage. It's just the way it is.

Amusing to note that while the news dudes were showing "refugees" and telling horror stories about death and destruction, they were also showing footage of folks holed up in various bars and restaurants, riding out the storm and having a grand old time.

Some people sit on their asses and cry - others shrug their shoulders and make the best of it. I don't think we should make federal policy based on the ones that sit and cry.


It Wasn't Me
What did they want bush to do, fly down there and pull out a big sign saying katrina this way please, people down there had plenty of warning to get out of the way of that storm, those who choose to stay, felt its wrath.


100% Goapele Head!
What you all have said makes sense hurricane = evacuation.

I am not taking sides on this whatsoever, but I would like for you to justify this because I can not exactly tell which folks you all mean are the ones sitting and crying.

Poor people no cars and no money, mandatory evacuation no vehicles to take people anywhere, evacuation destination Super or Astro dome, it floods and can not hold those people for more than 3 days including supplies and cleaning crews.

What about these people who I presume were stranded and went to the evacuation location? Should the government be blamed for not providing modes of transportation out of LA?

Did the people who refuse to leave figure that the Dome would end up a worse place to be if they know figure they were not priority people to be transported to Texas etc.?

On a related note, the police had to stop buses from taking tours through the ravaged areas, do the mardi gras tourists not know that dead bodies are still buried under the debris? I bet some wanted to get off the bus and walk around :rolleyes:

And, how can people go down there and party it up including the Mayor with his good time gala self when people are still displaced. What exactly was worth partying hardy? People may not have homes but they can come and party with us for Mardi Gras :getdown: (oh forgot to add :sarcasm: )
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After seeing the news and the video conferences last night, I'm not entirely convinced the pres knew the leeves would break, heck no one really did. The only one that I saw even mention it on the transcripts was the weather caster (which is not a structural engineer) and he said that "they MAY break" - didn't sound that affirmative to me. I think he's getting a bad wrap on this one until I see concrete proof otherwise.

:ohwell: Catt, that didn't sound like me, have you been slipping somthing into my lunch :mad:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LexiGirl75 said:
And, how can people go down there and party it up including the Mayor with his good time gala self when people are still displaced.
It's called keeping your chin up. Rising above adversity. The show must go on.

Poor people no cars and no money, mandatory evacuation no vehicles to take people anywhere, evacuation destination Super or Astro dome, it floods and can not hold those people for more than 3 days including supplies and cleaning crews.
Supposedly many of those people were homeowners, so I don't believe they didn't have a car. The interviews I've seen, many of the "stranded" people didn't take the warnings seriously or didn't want to leave their home, pet, neighbor, whatever - so there they are.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
LexiGirl75 said:
And, how can people go down there and party it up including the Mayor with his good time gala self when people are still displaced. What exactly was worth partying hardy? People may not have homes but they can come and party with us for Mardi Gras :getdown: (oh forgot to add :sarcasm: )
I suspect that it has to do with getting a flow of much needed cash into the city.


But wait, there's more...
LexiGirl75 said:
Poor people no cars and no money, mandatory evacuation no vehicles to take people anywhere, evacuation destination Super or Astro dome, it floods and can not hold those people for more than 3 days including supplies and cleaning crews.
I recall seeing lots of folks who were too poor and without vehicles to evacuate pre-hurricane managing to use their god-given mode of transportation to pick up some new nikes, televisions and other merchandise and hit the pavement after Katrina hit. :whistle:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
otter said:
Lessons of Katrina Great read from Popular Mechanics, dispels some of the BS and seems to be very fair.
This is my impression, just from watching news coverage before, during and after. But none of the Left-wing crybabies will believe it. We've learned from Iraq that any facts that run contrary to their opinion that Bush is an evil incompetent will be considered "made up by the right-wing media".

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Secret translation of secret...

harleygirl said:
This is going to stir the pot....... :elaine:
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Six months after Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans, a newly released video transcript from the day the hurricane struck seems to reinforce stinging criticism that governments at all levels were ill-prepared for the storm that flooded most of the city and killed more than 1,300 people.


...wiretap right after secret Katrina White House emergency wiretapped secret meeting:

"Dick, why don't you give up on that stupid contraption? It'll never work. I can see us stealing all the oil in the world, one nation at a time. I can see us giving away port operations. I can even see excluding Halliburton from all taxes because they did the actual work overseas but, c'mon! A weather machine? Yeah, right....Hey, what's the shiny button do...?"

12 hours later this was recorded;

"Well...I'll be a summbich..."