Kayne West


PREMO Member
Kayne West - Stunning Tower of intellectual thinki

Kanye West on Obama's Failures: ‘Black People Don’t Have the Same Connections as Jewish People’

KANYE WEST: We don't got it like that. When I tell you only seven black billionaires, look at marginalization, and we feel like we happy because me and Rick Ross got it made, or I got a spread outside, a couple of us, or they put a black president.

Man, let me tell you something about George Bush and oil money and Obama and no money. People want to say Obama can't make these moves or he's not executing. That's because he ain't got those connections. Black people don't have the same level of connections as Jewish people. Black people don't have the same connection as oil people.

You know we don't know nobody that got a nice house. You know we don't know nobody with paper like that we can go to when we down. You know they can just put us back or put us in a corporation. You know we ain't in situation. Can you guarantee that your daughter can get a job at this radio station? But if you own this radio station, you could guarantee that. That's what I'm talking about.

Stunning Tower of intellectual thinking

but then again, he did marry a Kardashian Whore and name his child North
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
People, this man is a highly celebrated 19 time Grammy winner. He has legions of fans who adore him. This recent idiocy is nothing new - he has been an idiot from the second he stepped into the public eye. Most likely since birth.

And it's not like he's some great artist and musical genius with ignorant political opinions. His "music" is as retarded as he is. And if you don't think so, that means you are retarded as well.

Kanye is our future and what we have to look forward to. In fact, he epitomizes what our culture is right now. ####ing retarded.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Can somebody translate that? Because I have no idea what he's saying.

He say:

I wanna #### you hard on the sink
After that, give you something to drink
Step back, can't get spunk on the mink

That's some romantic #### right there. Kanye is the new Sinatra.


He say:

I wanna #### you hard on the sink
After that, give you something to drink
Step back, can't get spunk on the mink

That's some romantic #### right there. Kanye is the new Sinatra.

And hey, ayo, we made it: Thanksgiving
So hey, maybe we can make it to Christmas
She asked me what I wished for on my wishlist
Have you ever asked your bitch for other bitches?


mama to two
It is a shame that someone like Kanye, who is so ignorant, has made so much money, and influences our youth in a time when there is already strife, divisiveness, and lack of respect for others.

4mygirls is right. Trying to read his crap does make your head hurt because, not only, does he show poor use of the English language, but what he had to say was ridiculous, and made no sense, whatsoever.


PREMO Member
Trying to read his crap does make your head hurt because, not only, does he show poor use of the English language, but what he had to say was ridiculous, and made no sense, whatsoever.


why do you hate black people and Ebonics


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It is a shame that someone like Kanye, who is so ignorant, has made so much money, and influences our youth in a time when there is already strife, divisiveness, and lack of respect for others.

That is the part that enrages me, that there are untold numbers of young people out there who admire this moron and want to emulate him.


mama to two

why do you hate black people and Ebonics

I don't. :lol: Kanye is ignorant, and has made his fortune on the ignorance of his fans. I just wish someone like Dr. Carson could have been our first black president, and maybe then, Americans like/who like Kanye would have wanted to better themselves. Dr. Carson; now, that's an idol, and someone for our youth to look up to. Exceptional and extraordinary man!


Power with Control
Had some young people recently try to tell me how Kanye was some font of wisdom, deeper than people realize. So I pulled up this interview he did where he ranted against the power structure, and pointed out he wasn't anything special, was acting like a whiny bit$% because the fashion billionaires he met in France didn't fall to their knees like some girl in a club.

He's not fighting for the power for the people, he's just pissed off folks on a whole different level of wealth and power treated him like an employee. :killingme