Kelly Tilghman suspended (golf anchor)


No Longer the Kid
Anchor suspended 2 weeks for "lynch" comment - Golf - Yahoo! Sports

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I'm sorry, I can understand her getting a some trouble, but was there really a need for Al Sharpton to get envolved :shrug:
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Lem Putt
Anchor suspended 2 weeks for "lynch" comment - Golf - Yahoo! Sports

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=yspsctnhdln>
I'm sorry, I can understand her getting a some trouble, but was there really a need for Al Sharpton to get envolved :shrug:
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:rolleyes: If Tiger said it's no big deal, why does anyone else have a right to make it a big deal?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I honestly don't think she meant anything harmful by it, just used the wrong word. Sharpton is a racist.


No Longer the Kid
:rolleyes: If Tiger said it's no big deal, why does anyone else have a right to make it a big deal?

Tiger "shruged it off, no big deal" even his agent didn't have a hissy fit...

I honestly don't think she meant anything harmful by it, just used the wrong word. Sharpton is a racist.

They say she was "laughing" while saying it....And your right, doubtful she meant it in a hurtful way, but it was one of them "oh sh*t" things after it got said...

As for Sharton, he's been a joke for too long now to still be making the news :ohwell:


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
He explains it quite clearly in the last sentence, "It's a specific racial term" meaning only black people can be lynched.:sarcasm:


Well-Known Member
Even though what she said was stupid and insensitive, I still think she's a hottie! (don't tell Al though...) :lol:


New Member

I Love all people, but I can't beleive african american people listen to Al Sharpton. Who in my opinion is was of the biggest racist of all time. I agree that her choice of words was not in good taste, but she apologized to the public and to Tiger Woods case closed. Mr sharpton seems to find every avenue to get his name in the paper and his picture on the news. To me he's a media whore who loves attention. He makes all african american people look like insensitive people with very thin skin towards remarks made in public. Some of my best friends are african american and they think he's an idiot. The world needs to grow up and stop being followers to people like Mr Sharpton.
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New Member
I Love all people, but I can't beleive african american people listen to Al Sharpton. Who in my opinion is was of the biggest racist of all time. I agree that her choice of words was not in good taste, but she apologized to the public and to Tiger Woods case closed. Mr sharpton seems to find every avenue to get his name in the paper and his picture on the news. To me he's a media whore who loves attention. He makes all african american people look like insensitive people with very thin skin towards remarks made in public. Some of my best friends are african american and they think he's an idiot. The world needs to grow up and stop being followers to people like Mr Sharpton.
Solja boy is not going to like you. :lmao: