Ken Schram: How low will the GOP go?


Ubi bene ibi patria
"How low will they go?

I don't really have the answer, but my suspicion is that before this election season is done, right-wing Republicans will have hit new depths of campaign distortions and outright lies.

One prime example: The phony $3 bills that were being hawked by GOP volunteers out at the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe.

Featuring a picture of Barack Obama decked out in an Arab headdress with the words "da man" under his picture, the mocking merchandise was prominently displayed alongside the "proud republican" bumper stickers and the "Dino Rossi for Governor" paraphernalia.

In addition to perpetuating the lie that Obama is a Muslim, the fake bill also has some openly racist aspects to it.

Gerri Modell, the head of the Snohomish County Republican Party, says she had no idea how the bills magically appeared at the GOP's booth.

Gee, maybe Modell should just ask her own executive secretary, who was working the Republican booth earlier this week and who took the "obamanation" display down after getting a mysterious phone call.

Of all the things I could say that would never be allowed to air or printed, I think I'll just leave it at this: Pretty damn sleazy.


In My Opinion
I dont see anything racist or wrong with it.
Judging from his actions with certain radio stations, certain sidewalk standing journalists and such, I would have to say that your little fuzzy headed dark man might be too thin skinned to be president of a country with free speech.


New Member
I bet somewhere there is a George Bush 3 dollar bill. NHboy probably has one.

Its a simple matter of getting one and running it through your printer to make as many as you like.

The three dollar bill like the political jokes that show up everywhere around election time are ages old . They just change the names and use the same jokes over and over.

Nothing racist about them, but the Democrats are going out of their way this year to turn anything against Obama into a subject of racism. Stop looking at Obama's race and start looking at his record, or lack of one.

Being in the Senate is in and of itself not a qualification for the Presidency, Being there for 143 days before deciding to run for the presidency is a joke.
I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man

Not my quote Biden's, He was exactly right. Thats why Obama got picked and its all he's got going for him. Will it take him to the White House?


Well-Known Member
The election hasn't even arrived yet, and I'm already sick to death of hearing how any insult of Barack Obama is racism. Every candidate for President - and even vice President - gets routinely lampooned every single day. I can't remember even one, even on the losing side, that didn't get ridiculed. Well, maybe Kemp. Nobody remembers much about him.

Lefties have been bleating now for years that they can't criticize W without being called "unpatriotic". But they don't miss a beat claiming criticism of O is "racist".


Super Genius
I even followed the link and looked at the included picture...can't see anything racist :dunno:


In My Opinion
If the three dollar bill is a hate crime, I cant wait to see their reaction to the see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil monkeys with obama heads on them.
thats really going to send them over the edge.


In My Opinion
just wait until he looses, its just going to be proof that the country is still mostly a racist filled utopia for the white man.
I expect scattered situations across the nation that will start as voter fraud and disenfranchising issues that in some instances will turn to actions not unlike those in 1968 when brother king died from lead poisening.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I love how Democrats can hawk t-shirts with filthy messages about Bush on them, but the second some Republican does it, it's a hate crime and won't be tolerated.


This is why I hate the whole Democratic party and everything they stand for. The hypocrisy makes my head spin.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And I just know those peckers are going to push me into voting for John McCain, just to try and keep their freakjob out of the White House.


Super Genius
And I just know those peckers are going to push me into voting for John McCain, just to try and keep their freakjob out of the White House.

It's ok, a vote for McCain in MD won't make a difference. You're free to vote for someone you actually like. :biggrin:


In My Opinion
It's ok, a vote for McCain in MD won't make a difference. You're free to vote for someone you actually like. :biggrin:
Yep, thats what the Hillary supporters are saying too.

might be a tighter race than mr mooslum is looking for.