Kerry, a man of the people...



Yeah there are alot of people out there that have millions of dollars. Yet, like to rip restaurants off or argue that they should get a discount.

You know for most people "dine and dash" is a jailable offense.


Not dead yet.
I'll never buy Heinz ketchup again. And I like the stuff. One more thing the democrats have ruined for me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A wise man once said...

...'if you want to know about a candidate running for President, listen to the reporters who covered them in their prior job...(who know them best)"

Guy name of Greenberg, I think, worked for the paper in Little Rock.

Molly Ivans covered W for years in Austin.

Anybody who doesn't know all about a national level politician just doesn't want to know.

Good piece!


Asperger's Poster Child
This from yesterday's online chat with Marc Fisher, a middle-roader-type columnist for the Post Metro section:

Washington, D.C.: You make some good points about Dean. But, let's face it, if Kerry was not stinking rich he would be out of the race last December. Isn't that a sad indicament on our democracy? (Almost as sad as D.C. not having Reps/Senators!)

Marc Fisher: Kerry, Edwards, Clark, Bush--millionaires all. Dean comes from big money too. Given the shift in American notions of what constitutes comfort and stability, I'd say it will be a long time before we see many presidential candidates of modest means. Increasingly, people seem to go into politics only after they've made a mint elsewhere.