Kerry Advocates War...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...with North Korea.

Todays Washpost ed's.

After spending a few paragraphs poking at W and calling his diplomatic efforts to deal with NK failures, Kerry then proposes unilateralism, which is somehow bad, in Iraq.

Then he tells us that a disarmed North is the long term goal.

Then he goes through the "3 facts" as he sees them, lecturing the administration basically on what President Kerry would do. He misses the only fact that counts: The North was bought off by Clinton in an effort to reach the goals Kerry sees as important; they lied, ergo, the goal, verifiable disarmament, is not possible.

Then Kerry offers this gem: "Focusing soley on on NK's nuke program not only fails to address the reasons why Kim wants nuclear weapons but also enables him to engage in nuclear brinkmanship and blackmail."


Where the hell has he been for the last 10 years?

Anyway, the piece meanders from war is the only way, to history won't forgive us if we don't try diplomacy (which has led us to a nuke capable NK) and back to gaining credibility with some un-named entities (history perhaps?) so we can go to war.

What will Howard have to say about this?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Larry Gude
What will Howard have to say about this?
Howard will say, "I am STRONGLY for doing a study on whether nuclear weapons are harmful!"

That's a guy who's not afraid to take a stand. :lol: