

Super Genius
COURIC: He wanted to train 70,000 additional teachers in math and science.

KERRY: That's terrific. But 53 percent of our children don't graduate from high school. Kids don't have after-school programs... He didn't ask America to sacrifice anything to achieve great goals and the biggest example is making the tax cut permanent for the wealthiest people in America. The average American struggles to find time to take carry of families, working two or three jobs... It's a disgrace. He did not tell the real state of the union.

Kerry's 53% claim conflicts with a recent press release from the U.S. Census Bureau: "High School Graduation Rates Reach All-Time High"


In My Opinion


need help

kerrys 53% claim,,,,, :bs:

JPC claims that dropping children on the doorstep is caring for them ,,,,:bs:

Both democrats,,,

I know there has to be a common tie here but I just cant put my finger on it... any ideas?:bs:


Lem Putt
ylexot said:

I was looking for a decent stat on this, but it's too ambiguous. About 79% of HS freshmen in the US graduate.

If you start with the total number of children born in 1987-88 that would graduate this year, then subtract those who die, are institutionalized, are home schooled, are private schooled, and drop out, then maybe it might be accurate that 53% graduate from public high schools. Maybe that's what he meant?

Wouldn't it make more sense to state the rate between dropouts and graduates? I suspect it's about 80-20, which can be explained by our entitlement society - Why get an education when I can drop out, sell drugs, and collect welfare?


I wonder when the hell it became the federal governments job to provide after school activities?

I was just singing the school house rock song about the preamble to the constitution to myself and no where is the prase "provide glitter and macaroni collages for the common defense"?

Here look for yourself.

Music & Lyrics: Lynn Ahrens
Sung by: Lynn Ahrens

Hey, do you know about the U.S.A.?
Do you know about the government?
Can you tell me 'bout the Constitution?
Hey, learn about the U.S.A.

In 1787, I'm told,
Our founding fathers did agree,
To write a list of principles
For keepin' people free.
The U.S.A. was just starting out,
A bold, brand new country.
And so our people spelled it out:
The things that we should be.

{And they put those principles down on paper, and called it the
Constitution. And it's been helping us run our country ever since
then. The first part of the Constitution is called the Preamble,
and tells what those founding fathers set out to do.}

We the people,
In order to form a more perfect union,
Establish justice,
Ensure domestic tranquility,
Provide for the common defense,
Promote the general welfare and
Secure the blessings of liberty
To ourselves and our posterity,
Do ordain and establish this Constitution,
For the United States of America.

In 1787, I'm told ,
Our founding fathers all sat down
And wrote a list of principles
That's know the world around.
The U.S.A. was just starting out,
A bold, brand new country.
And so our people spelled it out,
They wanted a land of liberty.

{And the Preamble goes like this:}

We the people,
In order to form a more perfect union,
Establish justice,
Ensure domestic tranquility,
Provide for the common defense,
Promote the general welfare and
Secure the blessings of liberty
To ourselves and our posterity,
Do ordain and establish this Constitution,
For the United States of America.

For the United States of America.

See not a single mention of a government swimming pool, skate board park or Barbie Dream house.

I think it is pathetic when these goober headed socialists try to use some heart string issue to show how sympathetic they are to "the common man" :rolleyes:

John Kerry, if it is that important you and Theresa can buy a shiat load of Elmers glue and a train load of macaroni and knock yourselves out.
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