Kerry leading by one point in Iowa plls



Hey guys -- what do you make of that?? Kerry has started to emerge over Dean. Any comments?:banana:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Hey guys -- what do you make of that?? Kerry has started to emerge over Dean. Any comments?:banana:
Not everyone in Iowa is the same class of idiot.


yes, which tells me there are some smart ones in Iowa:wink:

where's larry? didn't he have to go to the dentist today?

Are you around Larry?


Not dead yet.

The early pundits and newspaper may not have correctly chosen the leading candidate. Wow! That surprised as much as looking out my window this morning onto no snow after all of the hoopla from the weatherman lately.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
yes, which tells me there are some smart ones in Iowa:wink:
So I take it you're implying that the smart ones are voting for Kerry? Pretty funny from such a staunch Dean supporter.


I like Dean and Kerry. I denounced Dean on the forum about a week ago in another post. I just couldn't keep backing him. I knew someone here would rile me about this but I just couldn't -- during the day I'd hear something that he said that made me freightened and then at night I'd get an envelope from them begging, yes begging for more money. It was like rooting for Barney Fife for president or something. Too much of a loose canyon.

I liked Dean's record but I just couldn't take it too much more of his verbal rhetoric and I took a break from camp. During that break I started following Kerry. Kerry is a vetran and has a silver medal, a bronze medal and THREE purple hearts and appears to be more grounded and thinks before he speaks.

What finally pushed me more into Kerry's camp was Dean's own statement about him being the only candidate that didn't support the war in Iraq. Come to find out he did -- he just signed a resolution that Bush write up some letter stating he could not get the support needed or something or other and only then would Dean support it. Dean signed a resolution allowing the war, but yet he's the only candidate riding the coat tails of -- "I was the ONLY ONE" that didn't go along with the war in Iraq. It was half truths here and there that was starting to frustrate me. I'm 47 percent for Dean and 53 percent for kerry.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Okay I found a post where you state
No, I'm about ready to give up and go with Kerry. I'm just beyond disgust and frustration. That's why I havn't posted in politics for a while -- they will all beat me up or something. I'm seriously thinking about switching camps and hope that Kerry wins the primaries. Even my father who is a die-hard dem faxed me a slogan the other day for Dean's campaign -- vote for Dean, he's a dunce, he's stuck his foot in his mouth more than once!!! ha ha. But nonetheless, I'm still diehard dem and don't want a republican in office. But I have to back off the campaign stuff for a while as it is in direct conflict with my employers views.

While not real sure about Kerry, your change of heart about Dean was long overdue and I am glad that you finally saw the same light that had been hurting our eyes every time someone said Dean.


Football addict
Re: NOOOOO!!!!

Originally posted by Larry Gude can't turn your back on Howie now!!!

We need Dean!!!




howie sucks i never liked him lets get another contender!


Gee Vrai... I love it when you talk dirty :blushing:

I seriously believe that Dean is a liar, but I also think he got some bum raps over some of the things he said. I agreed with his comments about Bin Ladin and several others. And how about that letter supporting the trooper? What guy (or gal) when asked by a close associate to provide a letter of support is going to go "by the way... have you ever beat your wife?" For all of the lies he's told (the reasons for his sealing the records, his cutting of programs, his support for an inasion and unilateral action etc.) it amazes me that the stuff the pundits and media focused on were remarks that were unpopular but for the most part correct.

I could never support Kerry either. He's a guy who will say anything to anybody to win. He's like one of those chameleons that changes colors to match his immediate environment.

I still like Lieberman the best of any of them.


good to see you are back larry, how'd your dentist appointment go? I'm still leaning for Dean just more leaning for Kerry right now. Which everyone gets the nominee, I'll back that person as well (as long as its not Sharpton or Clark). I just can't wait until September (Gibbs comes back to Redskins and we start kicking azzz) and then 2008 -- hopefully Hillary will run, and I would love to see Ann Richards (former gov. of Tex) be her VP!!! Wow!!! what a bunch of firecrackers in the WH!! I'll bet you with those two in office in 2008 -- things WILL GET DONE. Unfortunately last night on Larry King Live Ann Richards declined any interest in getting back into the political life. But, still a dream, maybe she'll change her mind! :)

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
... and then 2008 -- hopefully Hillary will run, and I would love to see Ann Richards (former gov. of Tex) be her VP!!! Wow!!! what a bunch of firecrackers in the WH!!
I think a more appropriate term would be loose cannons.