Kerry's PAC Touts Health Insurance For All Kids


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
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The ad is accurate. But it leaves out details on how Kerry would pay for his proposal, and what it might cost.
June 20, 2005



A new TV ad released by Sen. John Kerry's PAC asks voters to support his child healthcare proposal, insuring "eleven million children in America" who currently lack coverage.

The ad fails to mention that the plan is quite expensive. One expert places the cost at $264 billion over 10 years, another at $700 billion. Also unmentioned is that Kerry proposes to pay for the plan by raising taxes, though he says only those making more than $300,000 a year would be affected. And buried in the bill is a potentially controversial proposal that would require middle- and upper-income parents to insure their children, or risk losing valuable tax exemptions worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars per year.


Sen. Kerry's political action committee, Keeping America's Promise, released the 30-second ad "Nightmare" June 13. The groups says the ad will run in the districts of the House Commerce and Senate Finance committee leaders - Mississippi, Maine, and Pennsylvania - in addition to the home districts of House Majority leader Rep. Tom Delay and Senate Majority leader Bill Frist.

Kerry does not appear in the ad. However, he has made six speeches since April promoting the "Kids Come First Act of 2005," which he introduced on Jan. 24 with eight Democratic co-sponsors.

How Much?

The ad touts Kerry's bill as a way to end the "nightmare" families face when they have "nowhere to turn for help" if a child gets sick. We neither oppose nor endorse Kerry's proposal, but those who see the ad may wish to have additional information about the measure before passing their own judgment.

While it gives scant details on Kerry's bill, the ad is accurate as far as it goes. There were 10.8 million uninsured children in the US in 2003, according to US Census data, and Emory University health expert Ken Thorpe said Kerry's bill would cover practically all of them.

Not mentioned in the ad is the heavy cost - at least $264 billion over 10 years according to Thorpe, a former Clinton administration official. A higher estimate comes from Joe Antos, an economist at the Republican-leaning think tank American Enterprise Institute. He said his preliminary estimate of the total cost of Kerry's bill is around $700 billion.

Who Pays?
Kerry wrote in a June 2 editorial that he would pay for his plan through a tax increase -- by repealing the Bush tax cuts for those making over $300,000 a year. He called the decision "hardly a tough choice" that would not require "big tax hikes or new bureaucracy. "​

Most of the revenue would go toward the federal takeover of Medicaid for children in poverty - currently split between state and federal funds - and provide more money for states that expand their State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to include children of the working poor. In practice, states would agree to cover children in households up to 300 percent of poverty level - an income of $57,241 for a family of four in 2005. That change would insure approximately 8 million new children. And with expanded Medicaid access for two additional years through age 20, Prof. Thorpe estimates the entire program would cover between 10 and 11 million uninsured children.

Carrot and Stick

Also not mentioned in the ad is a potentially controversial provision that would require all parents except the lowest earners to buy health insurance for their children, or lose the child tax exemption on their annual income taxes. Except for those in the lowest income bracket - taxable income of less than $29,700 for a single parent and $59,400 a year for couples - parents would lose a $3,200 tax exemption for each child in 2005 if they didn't purchase insurance for their kids. That would amount to a tax increase of $800 per child for those in the next highest tax bracket and $1,120 per child for the most affluent families in the highest bracket.

The bill does provide a tax credit for some parents who buy insurance for children ages 19 and under. The credit only covers expenses beyond 5 percent of adjusted gross income each year, and it isn't clear how many families would be in a position to benefit. The credit is aimed at making sure no family pays more than a set portion of annual income on their children's health insurance.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Also not mentioned in the ad is a potentially controversial provision that would require all parents except the lowest earners to buy health insurance for their children, or lose the child tax exemption on their annual income taxes.
This is just unbelievable and pisses me off to no end. Can you imagine if this freak Socialist had become our President??? And the Democrats were touting him as a "moderate"!!!!!



Where in the Constitution does it say that Congress shall mandate the purchase of medical insurance?

Here's another thing that Herman Munster Jr. seems to have forgotten about. The lowest price medical insurance, which most of the uninsured would get, doesn't cover very much. Who's going to pay for all the copays? Who's going to pay the deductables? Paying your insurance premium is just the tip of the iceberg, but it's obvious that Kerry and others don't understand that.
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Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
This is just unbelievable and pisses me off to no end. Can you imagine if this freak Socialist had become our President??? And the Democrats were touting him as a "moderate"!!!!!

Shouldn't scare you, if he had become president, he would have had a predominatly conservative republican congress and really wouldn't have got to do all he would want to.


Super Genius
I'd rather have a law that you have to prove that your children are insured before being allowed to have cable/satellite and/or internet service. I think the reason there are so many uninsured people is not so much the expense, but the completely out-of-whack priorities that people have.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
ylexot said:
I'd rather have a law that you have to prove that your children are insured before being allowed to have cable/satellite and/or internet service. I think the reason there are so many uninsured people is not so much the expense, but the completely out-of-whack priorities that people have.
Ahhh socialist! :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Ahhh socialist! :lmao:
He means, dear, that people should take care of their needs before they spend money on wants.

It's these people who have money for TVs and DVD players and beer and cigarettes and fast food, then expect the rest of us to provide health care for their children.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
He means, dear, that people should take care of their needs before they spend money on wants.

It's these people who have money for TVs and DVD players and beer and cigarettes and fast food, then expect the rest of us to provide health care for their children.
:lol: Yeah, I know. But it's all about that bling! Some people are idiots, it's just too bad the children have to suffer.


ylexot said:
I think the reason there are so many uninsured people is not so much the expense, but the completely out-of-whack priorities that people have.

You are quite correct in that assessment. Most people who are not insured are in that state not because they can't afford insurance, but because they feel that the cost is too high and they want to use the money for other things.

I've learned that the best way to save money on your health insurance is take a look at who else's health care you're paying for as when you're in a group policy you're in effect paying for the healthcare of everyone else in the group. If you look around your workplace and you see a bunch of twentysomethings with no kids, your rates are going to be super low. If you see a lot of middle-aged parents of 1.5 kids, the rates are going to be higher. If you see a lot of gray hair, it's time to get out of the group. If you're in the middle or older groups, you might be better off going with an individual plan. Most all of the major insurers offer them and they can save you some real $$$$$. BTW, if you're a smoker, you're pretty much screwed.


Bruzilla said:
Where in the Constitution does it say that Congress shall mandate the purchase of medical insurance?

Here's another thing that Herman Munster Jr. seems to have forgotten about. The lowest price medical insurance, which most of the uninsured would get, doesn't cover very much. Who's going to pay for all the copays? Who's going to pay the deductables? Paying your insurance premium is just the tip of the iceberg, but it's obvious that Kerry and others don't understand that.

Oh I think they do understand it, its more about politics than making sure kids get health care.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
czygvtwkr said:
Oh I think they do understand it, its more about politics than making sure kids get health care.
Exactly. If Kerry gave a crap about kids' health care, he'd forego another mansion and give that money to underprivileged children.

But he doesn't do that, does he?

I get really sick of these multi-millionaires talking about how the rich should cough up for the less fortunate, right before they jet off to the Caribbean for some R&R. All that fighting for the poor tuckers a fellow out, don't you know.

John Kerry has a hell of a lot more money than I do - make him pay for it.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Exactly. If Kerry gave a crap about kids' health care, he'd forego another mansion and give that money to underprivileged children.

But he doesn't do that, does he?

I get really sick of these multi-millionaires talking about how the rich should cough up for the less fortunate, right before they jet off to the Caribbean for some R&R. All that fighting for the poor tuckers a fellow out, don't you know.

John Kerry has a hell of a lot more money than I do - make him pay for it.
If you made a lot of money would you give it up? I know I wouldn't, screw the poor.


Larry Gude said:
Swift John Kerry Boss Man

Like mom that moves in, forever

Woo hoo, woo hoo hoo

Larry... either get back on your meds or take a vacation. You're losing it! :howdy:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Funny you should mention it...

Bruzilla said:
Larry... either get back on your meds or take a vacation. You're losing it! :howdy:

North Carolina

A beach, with my name on it

Becons to sit and drink

(we're leaving this weekend!)