Kids and Cell Phones...


No Longer the Kid
My chap isn't a teen yet, but I would say when they start driving on their own...

Now, IF they are truly responsible, I would say if they play after school sports could also be an alright reason.


Happy Camper!
When a parent has a need to reach a kid is the age when they should have a cell phone. And even then there should be strict rules associated with it.

My son is 10 and my MIL bought him one, she pays the bill b/c I don’t see the need for him to HAVE one, it is convenient at times but he is not left home alone before or after school and even then we have a land line so I still don’t really see the need there. Anyway, he knows he’s not allowed to send or receive texts and his calls are very limited – he knows I can see everything he does by looking online.


b*tch rocket
Does anyone really NEED a cell phone? It's a convenience, and if you, as a parent want to get your kid a cell phone, get them a cell phone, if you don't, then don't. :shrug: See, easy peasy. :yay:


New Member
As someone who has no children and managed to survive until my early 30s with no cell phone, I will say none age :yay:


Thats how them b*tch's R
My soon to be 10 yr old bugs me occasionally about getting one. "But so and so has one" (same age). My opinion is she's never anywhere that a phone isn't available to call me. Whether it be a land line or a parents cell phone. The only thing she'd do with one is text and take a bunch of silly pics and videos to send her friends.


I gave my 12 yr. old one last year after a mishap with the girl I was supposed to be watching was supposed to come home with her and the school wouldn't let her go because she lost her note from her mom. So they sent the child home to her apartment where no one was there for her. Real smart aren't they. Needless to say I got her one in case this ever happened again my daughter could call me and I could go meet the girl at her bus stop and get her. Idiot's at the school, I'm telling you! :rolleyes:


New Member
My son is 3 1/2 and asked me for one the other day. I told him when he has a job and has money. He went to his piggy bank and brought it to!


Ok, Im sure im going to hear about this one. I got my son one for his birthday he turned 9 in Jan. There are many reasons I got it for him and more personal then not. Trust me I wasnt too into getting this phone but in the long run I had to do this.


Back in the saddle
Boys father wants to get him one for 6th grade, just in case he locks himself out of the house. Well if he can't keep track of a key why do you think he will keep track of a phone?

I personally dont think he needs one. He is never somewhere where there isn't a landlline or cell handy he can use.

If he were doing after school or sports I would reconsider. If dad does get him one he will just have to leave it at dads when he is with me. All he is going to do is make phone calls that don't need to be made, try and download stuff to the phone and send text messages that are going to rack up the bill. Pretty much another TOY.


Boys father wants to get him one for 6th grade, just in case he locks himself out of the house. Well if he can't keep track of a key why do you think he will keep track of a phone?

I personally dont think he needs one. He is never somewhere where there isn't a landlline or cell handy he can use.

If he were doing after school or sports I would reconsider. If dad does get him one he will just have to leave it at dads when he is with me. All he is going to do is make phone calls that don't need to be made, try and download stuff to the phone and send text messages that are going to rack up the bill. Pretty much another TOY.

If you're not paying the bill, would it really bother you if he did all of that to begin with :confused: And you know you can get the phones that they're only allowed to call certain numbers and make it so they can't text or download anything at all as well.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
My 10-yo won't even answer the landline phone, unless I'm not home and that's only because I scolded him for not answering it when I called him. I don't think he's EVER made a phone call on his own (he can, he chooses not to).

And for the kid who was sent home to the empty apartment.... 1. she's 12, in a year or less, she'll be old enough to babysit so why is that a problem. and 2. why couldn't she or your daughter call you or the girl's mother from a landline at the school?