Kids Bedtimes


You're a LOON :)
What time do your kiddos have to go to bed? And how old are they?

Tonight I told my kiddos it was time to go to bed early since school is starting in under 2 weeks. Youngest thinks her bedtime is to early... curious as to what others do.


What love is all about
My oldest will be 5 in December and her bedtime is between 7 and 8, but sometimes it gets extended if we are doing something like on the weekends and during the summer. Otherwise year round and during the week during school time it is no later than 8.

My next child is 2 1/2 and does not have a bedtime but she usually falls asleep by 9.

The youngest will be a year old on the 5th of September and goes to bed by 10.

The oldest gets up at 7:30, the baby is up by 8:30 and my middle child will sleep all day if you let her.


Cleopatra Jones
During the school year bed time was 800 last year. This year I may extend to 830. Kids are 7 and 5.


2 year old - 8:00

11 year old has been 8:30 for a while. will probably change it to 9:00. The older she gets, the harder it is to get her up.

Their bedtime is for me too. I love them to death but it's time to go to bed and give mommy adult, quiet time.


You're a LOON :)
2 year old - 8:00

11 year old has been 8:30 for a while. will probably change it to 9:00. The older she gets, the harder it is to get her up.

Their bedtime is for me too. I love them to death but it's time to go to bed and give mommy adult, quiet time.

See that's exactly how I feel too :lol:

8 & 9 year olds had 8:30 bedtime this past school year. 11 year old was 9:00

Normally during the summer they still have a schedule it's just an hour or so later but this summer their has been no schedule. We have gone on a bunch of trips and they have been up really really late almost every night. I know I am going to play hell getting them up for school... especially oldest since she starts middle school this year and has to be there before she was even out of bed this past school year :lmao:


They're out to get us
when i was young i think i was around late elem or early middle it was in the 9ish range. Didn't really have one after middle school.


New Member
I try to have my kids settled and in their rooms by 8pm. Now and again Daddy let's them stay awake until 9pm... Usually that is on the weekends, though.

My oldest is 6 and youngest two are 4.


8(almost 9) and 10 years old, this summer its been lights out by 10, once school starts its lights about by 9. I usually have them in bed an hour before for chill time (watching a movie on some nights or reading a book on others).

Callie girl

New Member
4 and 6 and it is usually 8:30-9 during school. Don't care in the summer and on the weekends with school usually no later than 9:30ish


New Member
Youngest is 2 his bedtime is 8pm and oldest is 4 (almost 5) his bedtime is 8:30. We leave the house at 5:45am they usually are still asleep. And they both still nap during the day for about an hour and a half or sometimes two.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
15 months old. She goes to bed between 6:30 and 7:30 and wakes up between 7 and 8am. Except on the weekends, when she likes to get up extra early! :yahoo:


Salt Life
My daughter is 12. She has to be in her room and settling down by 9, lights/tv off by 9:30. She gets up at 6am for school.

I told her after this weekend I was going to start her back on a schedule. She'll slowly have to start going to bed early and waking up earlier.


pretty black roses
8:30 is the latest for my two during the school week.

Last night the youngest was out by 7 pm. First day of school tired him out :lol:


My son's bedtime falls between 8 and 9 during the week, 9 and 10 on the weekends. Usually he's in bed by 8, lights out by 8:30, asleep by 9 (and the same an hour later on the weekends).


Well-Known Member
18 month old, between 7:30-8:30 depending on how long and late her nap was. 4 year old, in bed between 8:30 and 9, out by 9:15 usually. 3 year old, I try between 9-10, but I swear that child is a vampire and never sleeps. I'm lucky to get her out by 10-11 and she's still up sometimes by 4. Last night I gave up, turned her tv on and said I was going to bed because I didn't feel good. I have no idea what time she finally crashed, but it must have been pretty late because she slept in until 5:45 this morning :killingme


Throwing the deuces
We put our 8 & 5 yr olds to bed at 8pm but they can watch TV/play in their room until hubby turns it off at 9:15pm. Youngest is usually already asleep by then. On Friday and Saturday nights, they still go at 8pm but we don't turn the TV off until 10pm and they are both sound asleep (mainly because I'm in charge of it those two nights and tend to forget). They are usually up and ready to start the day between 6:30-7am regardless of the day. Both have to go to day-care during the week and the schedule stays the same, with or without school.


Well-Known Member
15 months old. She goes to bed between 6:30 and 7:30 and wakes up between 7 and 8am. Except on the weekends, when she likes to get up extra early! :yahoo:

Damn girl :jealous:

Baby Jack is 2 and is usually in bed around 8 pm and wakes up around 7 am during the week and 8 on the weekends.

The older boys stay up until 9 during the school year and get up at 6 am and 7 am.

During the summer I let the older kids go to be when they feel like it. Sometimes it is 10 pm sometimes midnight :shrug: