Kids do the darndest things ...

Nanny Pam

My Dad, who is 81 comes over everyday for coffee and while he is here he reads to the kids for an hour and leaves. One of my 4 year olds thinks she is a hair dresser. So she has been doing his hair everyday, as well. She get behind him on "his" chair and sits on the top of it. He loves it! :lol:
I just had to share this ....
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J.F. A sus ordenes!
Moments like that are to be cherished forever. I never new my grandparents on either side. Glad your dad is so cool about it!!!! :yay:


I wanna be a SMIB
flomaster said:
Moments like that are to be cherished forever. I never new my grandparents on either side. Glad your dad is so cool about it!!!! :yay:

Sorry you never knew your grandparents. They are truly the best, alot better than yucky old parents. :) :huggy:

Nanny Pam

flomaster said:
Moments like that are to be cherished forever. I never new my grandparents on either side. Glad your dad is so cool about it!!!! :yay:
He really loves the kids. They all love him too.

If he goes to an AARP luncheon, and doesn't come over here, the kids miss him and ask for him. Too funny.


In My Opinion
he looks to be in pretty good shape for 81.
but, why does he wear a yellow flower in his hair? I notice that the kid is even looking at it with wonderment

Nanny Pam

bcp said:
he looks to be in pretty good shape for 81.
but, why does he wear a yellow flower in his hair? I notice that the kid is even looking at it with wonderment

He is (or seems to be) in good shape for 81. He keeps busy. He does all his own housework. Washing, ironing, etc. He was in the USAF and retired as a Colonel. That's probably the reason he was so strict with me. He has a routine and he sticks to it.
You silly goose....She put it there. She always has ribbons or bows or different kinds of hair clips for his hair.
She has had his hair spiked straight up a few times, too :killingme
That was funny!!