Kimbo Done After Getting His Butt Kicked?


New Member
I don't think he's done yet, I'm sure they will match him up with some other crappy fighter, probably Shamrock once his eye heals :rolleyes:. If he loses again, that will probably be the end of the road for him.


we were at some bar in NW with the fight on one screen and the Ohio State game on the other..the Buckeyes game just wrapped up the same time they were getting ready to start the fight...perfect timing right....

As someone in the crowd tried to spit out, "Who the hell is this clown with pink ha-" that's about the time it was over....

It was humorous to see a room full of drunk people that seconds earlier were loud and boisterous..kinda get real quiet and look around like they'd all just been punked....


Well-Known Member
Anyone else notice "KTFO" from the article :killingme

:roflmao: Yeah! I loved that part.

I watched that fight... only the second time I've watched any of those fights...

The family was talking about going to sleep but I kept saying I wanted to watch Kimbo fight...

Kimbo handled it pretty well... seemed cool about it but I think he was more emberassed.


New Member
I saw that vid yesterday...have to admit I was highly dissapointed. I have seen so many kimbo vids where he just lets his opponent wail on his face a few good times screaming at the guy to hit him harder.

Then he rushes in and beats the guy down. Lucky punch/kick/fall.