Kindergarten K-State fan refuses to color Jayhawk


Lawful neutral
Kindergarten K-State fan refuses to color Jayhawk mascot despite teacher

Emma, you need to color this thing. The teacher might have to send you to the principal's office.

I don't care. I'm not coloring it.

Hmmm…Ok. What if I make you a deal. What if I print out a Powercat and you color it purple, grey and white. Then write an apology to your teacher because you were rude. Will you agree to that?

(pouts) Fine.

Ok, but you need to color that Jayhawk for your teacher.

(silent, exhales) Fine.

You will?

Yes. But I don't like it. And I'm wearing a K-State shirt tomorrow.

Fine. You don't have to like it. Just do it and I want you to tell your teacher you're sorry as well.


Active Member
I hubby would have been so proud of my daughter (and would have told the teacher to pretty much "suck it") if this happened in our house :killingme


New Member

Kindergarten K-State fan refuses to color Jayhawk mascot despite teacher

Emma, you need to color this thing. The teacher might have to send you to the principal's office.

I don't care. I'm not coloring it.

Hmmm…Ok. What if I make you a deal. What if I print out a Powercat and you color it purple, grey and white. Then write an apology to your teacher because you were rude. Will you agree to that?

(pouts) Fine.

Ok, but you need to color that Jayhawk for your teacher.

(silent, exhales) Fine.

You will?

Yes. But I don't like it. And I'm wearing a K-State shirt tomorrow.

Fine. You don't have to like it. Just do it and I want you to tell your teacher you're sorry as well.

its a WILDCAT.........


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
That's a great story. Parents, train and bring your kids up in what you believe in. If not, somebody else will, or even worse, the government will.

Jayhawk? I don't need no stinking Jayhawk......

Not even a bird - just a mythical description.