King calls for dialogue among different religions


Ubi bene ibi patria
Saudi king calls for dialogue among different religions

"RIYADH, Saudi Arabia: King Abdullah has made an impassioned plea for dialogue among Muslims, Christians and Jews — the first such proposal from ultraconservative Saudi Arabia, which has no ties to Israel and bans public non-Muslim religious services.

The message from the Saudi monarch, who met with Pope Benedict XVI in November, comes at a time of tensions between followers of the three religions. Muslims have been angered by cartoons published in European papers seen as insulting the Prophet Muhammad — and the pope's baptizing on Easter of a Muslim commentator who converted to Catholicism has also raised eyebrows.

"The idea is to ask representatives of all monotheistic religions to sit together with their brothers in faith and sincerity to all religions as we all believe in the same God," the king told delegates Monday night at a seminar on "Culture and the Respect of Religions."

Abdullah's call is significant and could add weight to sporadic efforts at dialogue among religious leaders in recent years. The Saudi monarch is the custodian of Islam's two holiest shrines in Mecca and Medina, a position that lends his words special importance and influence among many Muslims. He said Saudi Arabia's top clerics have given him the green light to the idea — crucial backing in a society which expects decisions taken by its rulers to adhere to Islam's tenets."

Saudi king calls for dialogue among different religions - International Herald Tribune


New Member
"The idea is to ask representatives of all monotheistic religions to sit together with their brothers in faith and sincerity to all religions as we all believe in the same God," the king told delegates Monday night at a seminar on "Culture and the Respect of Religions."

1.) Muslims do not consider Jews and Christians as "brothers and sisters in faith"

2.) Al'lah is NOT Yahweh. Muslims do not believe in the God of the Judeo-Christian faiths.


New Member
The Saudi King disagrees with you

Of course the Saudi King disagrees with me. Think he's gonna tell the truth about what the Qur'an really teaches regarding Jews and Christians?

AND? :shrug: Do you believe in Allah?

The term Al'lah is an Arabic definition which simply means "the god."

Al'lah was one of the 360 pagan gods that were worshipped at the Ka'ba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Al'lah was the highly regarded pagan god of the influential Quraysh tribe; the tribe Muhammad belonged to. Upon learning of monotheism from Jews and Christians, Muhammad set up his own monotheistic faith in the Quraysh god, Al'lah, and had the pagan gods of all other tribes destroyed. Muhammad then ordered all tribes to worship Al'lah and proclaimed to Jews and Christians that he was the new prophet of "God" who superseded all other prophets before him.

Do you believe Mohammed was a prophet?

Muhammad was a prophet of Al'lah; he was not a prophet of Yahweh. Al'lah and Yahweh are not the same.

How is your disbelief in the Muslim religion any different than their disbeliefs in yours?

Faith in Yeshua (New Testament Jesus) is a personal life-changing experience that changes one's heart and instills spiritual peace with God's love and compassion toward others.

Faith in Al'lah is a personal indoctrination of being commanded to hate Jews, Christians, Atheists, all non-Muslims and to strike terror against non-Muslims and to kill anyone who leaves the Islamic faith.

Why is your disbelief correct and theirs wrong? try not to interject "My Bible tells me so" because their Bible tells them the same thing

Given your individual freedom of expression to draw and publish a cartoon of "Jesus" or draw and publish a cartoon of Muhammad, which would you feel safest in doing?