King James...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...hey otter, your boy is making a believer oughta me.

Cavs, 3 games to 2. He's making his teammates better and THAT is the measure of greatness.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...hey otter, your boy is making a believer oughta me.

Cavs, 3 games to 2. He's making his teammates better and THAT is the measure of greatness.

Thats funny, I watched alot of the game last night and wondered if you happened to be watching. I still think someone pulled a Danny Almonte with his birth certificate cuz he sure doesn't look 21, much less play like a 21 yr old.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...just to pick on him, I wonder how long he can keep playing so hard as, essentially, a perimeter player, considering how big he is. I guess it's hard to get used to a guy that big being that quick.

In the post, driving on anyone, he gets his shot off better perhaps than even Magic or Bird, both of whom would some way to get a shot off. But James, he seems to get off the shot HE wants, not just what they give him. And he's got range.

Defense ain't the greatest, not like Magic, but, he does play hard on both ends.

And again, what I had not seen against the Wizards, he is now making his ham and egg teammates better. They are playing harder, getting to loose balls, getting rebounds and relaxing into their own offensive strengths, playing within their games and the system, all this against one of the top teams. That seemed to take Jordan a little while, lead the team.

I couldn't see them winning a game against Detroit, but man, did they figure something out after the first two. Now, I can't see Detroit winning two out of three.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
And again, what I had not seen against the Wizards, he is now making his ham and egg teammates better. They are playing harder, getting to loose balls, getting rebounds and relaxing into their own offensive strengths, playing within their games and the system, all this against one of the top teams. That seemed to take Jordan a little while, lead the team.

Thats the thing, after James killed the Wizards, his team mates are starting to believe that with LeBron leading the way, they can go all the way.

I have only seen one other player, in any sport, at 21, thats comparable with LeBron, and that would be Gretzy.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
For the sake of bar stool...

otter said:
Thats the thing, after James killed the Wizards, his team mates are starting to believe that with LeBron leading the way, they can go all the way.

I have only seen one other player, in any sport, at 21, thats comparable with LeBron, and that would be Gretzy.

...etiquette, I'll differ. Gretzky, as an Oiler, was on an all star team with Kurri, Messier, Coffey, Fuhr, Huddy, Anderson, Moog, Tikkanen, my God, what a team.

As a King, he was still an offensive machine and made Barry Melrose a star but they only made one final, losing in 5 to Montreal.

I gotta go with Magic as the one guy. Him and 4 random NBA players could win it all.

Maybe Montana?

So hard to compare sports this way.

Tiger! he makes ANY caddy better!


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...etiquette, I'll differ. Gretzky, as an Oiler, was on an all star team with Kurri, Messier, Coffey, Fuhr, Huddy, Anderson, Moog, Tikkanen, my God, what a team.

As a King, he was still an offensive machine and made Barry Melrose a star but they only made one final, losing in 5 to Montreal.

I gotta go with Magic as the one guy. Him and 4 random NBA players could win it all.

Maybe Montana?

So hard to compare sports this way.

Tiger! he makes ANY caddy better!

But Mr Gude, sir, you have it all wrong. When Gretzksy was 21, the guys you named were not stars, he made them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

otter said:
But Mr Gude, sir, you have it all wrong. When Gretzksy was 21, the guys you named were not stars, he made them.

...I'll have to let you have that, Mr. Otter, sir, as I have no way of disproving that. It did tkae Wayne and Co. four years to get to the finals and five to win one.

One things for sure, if he made them better, it stuck as so many wnet on to play well without him, especially Messier and of course we can't forget Cap Kurri and the famous missed open net that would have given us at least one Stanley Cup final game win.

Larry Gude

Strung Out where is he now?

Do we say "Wow, he's moved up another notch" or, do we say "maybe not such a big deal because even though they beat the Wizards, it could have easily been the other way' and that he needed to go down swinging against the Pistons, not scoring only six in the second half?

I didn't see the Pistons winning two in a row. Now, they've resumed their role as favorite and LaBron is...???


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
Do we say "Wow, he's moved up another notch" or, do we say "maybe not such a big deal because even though they beat the Wizards, it could have easily been the other way' and that he needed to go down swinging against the Pistons, not scoring only six in the second half?

I didn't see the Pistons winning two in a row. Now, they've resumed their role as favorite and LaBron is...???

Pistons got their minds right, I guess. I didn't see either of the 2 games this weekend so it must have been a combo of the Cavs finally getting the Pistons attention and also running out of gas.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Running out of gas...

otter said:
Pistons got their minds right, I guess. I didn't see either of the 2 games this weekend so it must have been a combo of the Cavs finally getting the Pistons attention and also running out of gas.

...I always love that one. Both teams have 12 guys. Both teams are on the same floor at the same time.

That's exactly what they said; LaBron ran out of gas. Well, not that I am a coach, but, if guys are running out of gas AND you are losing, how about giving the guy some breaks and maybe, just maybe, a gassed up LaBron could make up for the minutes he sat and then some?

Oh well. He does need some help and I have to say you were right, once again; he's the real deal, a super player.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Two most expensive plays of the season...

...cost us a shot at the Superbowl.

Up until those two passes Mark had played HORRIBLE. Just like the Bears game. Just like the second Tampa game, both Eagles games and both Seattle games.

This is an ugly memory for me. Instead of having to face reality that he yanked Pat too soon and Brunnel was done which would force the obvious; give the kid a full season in the same damn system, two perfect passes allowed Gibbs to hide from a bad decision.

As for Taylor, the guy is the definition of uncessary roughness. He's gonna cripple somebody sooner or later...on a clean hit. They didn't call that a fumble either, illustrating the anti-Redskin bias in the NFL once again.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
Wade or James?

James, younger and big enough to take the pounding. There's still an upside to James, whereas Wade is the best he can be.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Very interesting...

otter said:
James, younger and big enough to take the pounding. There's still an upside to James, whereas Wade is the best he can be.

Over the hill at 24. Not over the hill at 22.

I'd probably pick James over Wade as well but I wondering how long James can play so fast being as big as he is?


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
Over the hill at 24. Not over the hill at 22.

I'd probably pick James over Wade as well but I wondering how long James can play so fast being as big as he is?

I think in mental maturity, there's a huge difference between a 21 yr old and a 24 yr old. Good point about the health aspect, that would be my only concern. Same position, but they play it as polar opposites.