Q Yeah. And one more, if I may. The President, I noticed, had — had notecards la- — at the border when he was doing his briefing there. He also had notecards last Friday with the Italian Prime Minister. Why does the President rely so heavily on notecards?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: You’re upset because the President has notecards? You’re —
Q I’m not upset. I’m asking you why.
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: You’re asking me a question about the President having notecards?
Q I’m asking why does he rely so heavily?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: The President, who has had a — probably one of the most successful first three years of an adm- –administration than any modern-day president — he’s done more in the first three years than most presidents who had two terms. You’re asking me about notecards? I don’t think that’s —
Good grief. (I'm trying to get out of the habit of saying "JFC" but that's what I'm thinking.) This freaking girl is dumb as a post and completely incompetent. WHY is she still there?? Say what you will about Jen Psaki, she was smart and on the ball, could have fielded these questions in her sleep - she no doubt anticipated the questions so she could prep an answer.
She was also smart enough to bail the second MSNBC made her an offer - note that nobody is making offers to KJP....
KJP is just so stunningly bad at this, it makes you wonder how she got that far in the first place.