Klitschko VS Povetkin on HBO Saturday


Lawful neutral
Worst fight I've ever seen. This is how it went...Klitschko would throw the left jab then lunge in with a right cross. Povetkin would lower his head and end up in a front face lock, he'd throw a looping left from the clinch and the ref would separate them so they could do the same thing over and over and over again for 12 rounds. :boo:


New Member
Boxing sucks. Not due to the pure sport sucking but due to boxing as a whole not changing and advancing in the last 100 years. A zillion different orgs. The top 5 in the orgs may never fight each other. You will never see a fight to decide the consensus number one in the world in every weight class. Clinching and doing nothing is common. Inactivity should be punished with a point system affecting decision. The health of the boxers is still less than a concern IMO. The fans don't get to see their dream matchups like Mayweather vs. Pacquiao. One loss relegates a boxer back to also ran status. No system in place for boxers to advance regionally, by state, then nation, then internationally in rankings.

I could go on and on, but I truly believe that I could fix boxing in a weekend if I had the power to do so. It would be relevant again like it was up until the end of the Tyson era. Everyone knew what was going on when Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, Tyson, Oscar De La Hoya, and others were fighting. They were celebrities and the common man knew the names and faces. Now most people couldn't pick out Cotto from a police lineup and have no clue which Klitschko brother is which.