Knee Replacement


Well-Known Member
:howdy: Can anyone share with me what to expect ? Time in hospital , rehab time , etc etc . I have been told I have a knee cap that has moderate to severe RA and will need surgery. :frown:
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They call me ... Sarcasmo
:howdy: Can anyone share with me what to expect ? Time in hospital , rehab time , etc etc . I have been told a knee cap that has moderate to severe RA will need surgery. :frown:

If there is a possibility of the other knee being whacked out then get both done at the same time. Seriously.


animal luvr
most doctors won't do both at once anymore kom. One of the ladies that I know had one knee replaced and she was in the hospital from monday til thursday then she came home and the rehab came to her place for 2 weeks then the 3rd week she had to have someone take her to them from then on out for the next 5 weeks before they let her drive. she was out of work for 8weeks and then went back to work i think using a walker but not sure for how long. You will need someone to stay with you for the first 2 weeks as much as they can as it will be hard to get around and get your knee in and out of a machine that keeps the knee moving so you don't get bloodclots.

Also be prepared for them to tell you that you will have to give yourself shots in the stomach for your body to not reject the metal etc that was put in you for the knee replacement (I think she did that for 2weeks)


Well-Known Member
most doctors won't do both at once anymore kom. One of the ladies that I know had one knee replaced and she was in the hospital from monday til thursday then she came home and the rehab came to her place for 2 weeks then the 3rd week she had to have someone take her to them from then on out for the next 5 weeks before they let her drive. she was out of work for 8weeks and then went back to work i think using a walker but not sure for how long. You will need someone to stay with you for the first 2 weeks as much as they can as it will be hard to get around and get your knee in and out of a machine that keeps the knee moving so you don't get bloodclots.

Also be prepared for them to tell you that you will have to give yourself shots in the stomach for your body to not reject the metal etc that was put in you for the knee replacement (I think she did that for 2weeks)

You describe a procedure I'm not looking forward for!:coffee:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Having to hobble around on 1 bad knee is bad enough . I can't picture both knees out !:whistle:

Talk to folks who had both done separately vs. same time. You'd be surprised at what you find. 8 weeks for same time vs.16 weeks separate.


New Member
My wife had her knee replaced in March she was in the hospital for 7 days started running a fever from something they didnt know what so they started IV antibotics. Then she was home on IVs for a month not fun she had to sleep recliner for a month. She has been doing really good at PT and now walking with out a cane and getting around.
The Dr told her most people its 3 days in the hospital then home. So you never know. Everyone that has had the operations are glad they did , so far the wife has no comment


..if momma ain't happy...
Wow, had to go back a long way to find a thread on knee replacement.

Had mine done 2.5 weeks ago. Everything went great, the knee itself already feels better. Now it's just a matter of stretching the thigh muscles back out.

If you're on the fence about having knee replacement, I say don't be hesitant. Everyone I talked to had great mobility improvement, I'm sure looking forward to that.


Raisin cane
Things sure have changed since 2011. I have not had the procedure, but know two people that have had it done. My co-worker was back to work, better than ever in 6 weeks. My friend just had the procedure done about 3 weeks ago. In and out surgery - she was home early evening of the day of the procedure. They actually had her doing some stairs before she left the hospital! She is almost done with her PT and is getting around great.

Glad to hear your procedure was a success, my-thyme!
A few years back doc said I'm probably looking at a replacement. Not looking forward to that. My dad has his done and he suffered thru it, mostly after the surgery with the automatic bending unit *. It's been years and he still complains about it. But to be honest, he complains about everything. My mom always said if he didn't have something to complain about, he wouldn't be happy.

My-Thyme, so glad you're doing better. You know to just ask if you need anything.



..if momma ain't happy...
I think my advice to anyone considering it is do your best to strengthen it now, as best you can. It'll make getting strength back quicker. And just do it, don't put the surgery off.

Emmanuel Ateimo in Leonardtown did my surgery. Can't say enough good about him, he is great!

Thanks, GW, haven't been on the bike for a few yrs, was afraid the knee would give out at a stop and down I'd go. Looking forward to getting back out there.


Well-Known Member
Been there done that 2015 Ann Arundel, Dr Brassard was/is excellent. Overnight hospital stay, PT the next day to ensure movement. Then 2X week PT for an hour for 6 weeks. First knee June 2nd in October. The support muscles, tenons ligaments need regular exercise in order to make the replacement last as long as possible. No running but no other restrictions. My Doc said that is the biggest pit fall is getting them done and not moving. Would you believe 238$ for a plastic knee cap !