Knock, Knock Nobody's Home


New Member
Ugh! I'm venting...Last week, I had set up an appt for a hair color/cut. I showed up at the salon today for my appt. (on time) and there were no cars in the parking lot. The door was locked, and I looked inside - saw nobody.
So bizarre. I double-checked my calendar, and yep I had the right day/time. I specifically remember talking to the receptionist and doublechecking the time/date when I called for the appt. as well. I waited for about 5 minutes outside while it rained, then I left. I'm so bummed! I noticed from the outside of the building that the salon didn't look so great...not to judge a book by it's cover, but it really didn't look too great anyway. SO, maybe it's not a bad thing that nobody was there. But I was hoping to get all fixed up today and that's not going to happen. I'll have to make an appt elsewhere. I came home, no message on machine from them. Weird.
Anyway, anyone here care to share who they have for hair coloring/styling?


New Member
What salon were you using? You should check out Bella in California if you are in the southern end of the county. If you are closer to Prince Frederick, go to Scalped. You can't go wrong with either place.


5, 4, 3, 2, 1

What salon were you using? You should check out Bella in California if you are in the southern end of the county. If you are closer to Prince Frederick, go to Scalped. You can't go wrong with either place.

saw that coming:coffee:


New Member
Hi -
I had made the appt at Shear Innovations....I am not likely to reschedule there, but may check out another salon. I had "high hopes" about today and even blogged about it! (Lame), I know!! Anyway, it wasn't meant to be, I suppose. Thanks, Ladies for your suggestions. I better get on the horn and make an appt before I start looking like a skunk! :)

Lady Coyote