Kornheiser on Monday Night Football?


New Member
I'm hearing rumor that ESPN has announced that they intend to put Tony Kornheiser in the booth for Monday Night Football. :barf:

This boob talks more BS about last week's movies, the television show 24, politics, you name it, everything other than sports on his radio show. I sit and wonder how he's on 980 Sports Talk Radio, let alone getting the gig of MNF.

ESPN is making a huge mistake. Why not try someone with some talent?


Well-Known Member
Looks official. TK is an aquired taste. He's at the opposite end of the spectrum from someone like Rome or JT the Brick. Funny at times annoying at times but all in all I enjoy him a couple of time a week. (At least he's not so dang annoying as John Thompson. I did like to listed to the afternoon show before they picked him up.)
TK is supposed to be doing the color on MNF...Should prove to be interesting.
Rack me


Well-Known Member
I kind of go back and forth on this one too. I agree that Mr. Tony is an acquired taste (most New Yawkers are). I just wonder whether he can tone it down enough for television. Granted he'll be sharing air time but I just wonder how he and Joe Thiesman will work together. There's only so much air time and they'll have to fit play-by-play in there at least some of the time. We'll see.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I Love...

...Mr. Tony.

He will be a disaster on MNF. A code orange disaster. He knows it. Embraces it. Which will make the disater that much more fun. While it lasts.

Dennis Miller was FAR more the football guy than Mr. Tony and he didn't fly.

Awwwwwwww...Tony, Tony, HEYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nothing to see here
There's no middle ground with Tony, you either like him or hate him...Kinda like that Cosell guy who lasted quite a while.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ain't that the truth...

otter said:
There's no middle ground with Tony, you either like him or hate him...Kinda like that Cosell guy who lasted quite a while.

...Cosell was an enigma; every time he opened his maw I wanted him to shut the hell up. Then, I'd spend all week looking forward to what he was gonna say next!

My lifes ambition is to be the Howard Cosell of this web site!


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
...Cosell was an enigma; every time he opened his maw I wanted him to shut the hell up. Then, I'd spend all week looking forward to what he was gonna say next!
DoWhat said:
Well, your first sentence definitely applies to Tonio.
Seriously, Roone Arledge knew what he was doing when he put Cosell and Don Meredith together. He knew football fans would be rooting for Don, the plain-spoken common-sense country boy, against Howie, the know-it-all big-city intellectual. Much of modern country music uses a similar theme. If Frank was supposed to be the Quiet Voice of Reason, then why did he marry Kathie Lee Gifford, who was Howard's female equivalent?

I've only caught Pardon the Interruption once. Same for Tony's radio show. Not enough to tell if he wass a good broadcaster or not. I'm most familiar with his humor columns that ran in the Post Style section years ago. I prefer those to his sports writing, where his smartass jokes seem out of place. Maybe Tony's best role on radio or TV would be as a Howard Stern/Don&Mike type host.

Dennis Miller on MNF had a rubbernecking-at-accident appeal for a while because we didn't know what obscure reference he would come up with. Stuff the name of the rare gun that Lee Harvey Oswald used. The Britannica Web site had a weekly listing of Miller's references with explanations. That proved to me that Miller was only a parlor trick on MNF.

Miller: "The cast of Survivor gets a better per diem than we do. I had to pay for my BLT with a fur pelt."
Michaels: (pause) "I've been wanting to say that for 15 years."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And Mr. Tony...

Tonio said:
Miller: "The cast of Survivor gets a better per diem than we do. I had to pay for my BLT with a fur pelt."
Michaels: (pause) "I've been wanting to say that for 15 years."

Mr. T: "What kind of fur was it? I like Chinchilla...Did you trap it or was it, I dunno, road kill or something?

Michaels: "The Colts have it at their 20..."

Mt. T: "How many pelts to make a coat? Does anyone know? I'm a 38 short..."

AM: "Peyton takes the snap..."

Mr. T: "Al, what size are you? How's your mom?

Joey T: "You see that, Al? Coach Gibbs used to yell at me all the time for taking the snap like that..."

MT: "Do we get a per diem? Al? Joe? I don't get a per diem...nobody said anything to me about a per diem..."

AM: "It's PICKED OFF!!!"

JT: "Ohh...see? That's what Coach Gibbs always tried to get me to see. He should NEVER have thrown that ball..."

MT: "Of course, if I could get Chinchilla it would be warmer than this booth. You can't take a nap in here. It's too cold...what time is it?"

And so on...

Can't wait!


New Member
Jim Rome!!!

Rome should have been the pick!!!

I miss hearing him on the radio since 980 dropped his show. Can't find it anywhere now.

I'm stuck with TIVO'ing his 'Rome is Burning' and watching that when I get home.