La Plata coach dies in Route 5 crash


New Member
Did anyone else hear about this, it's posted on, nut it keeps giving an error when you try to pull up the news story.

La Plata coach dies in Route 5 crash
Brent Guy Bowling, a softball coach at La Plata High School, died Thursday morning after the dump truck he was driving veered off Route 5 and hit a tree, police said.


New Member
jayden0405 said:
Did anyone else hear about this, it's posted on, nut it keeps giving an error when you try to pull up the news story.

La Plata coach dies in Route 5 crash
Brent Guy Bowling, a softball coach at La Plata High School, died Thursday morning after the dump truck he was driving veered off Route 5 and hit a tree, police said.
:bawl: Sad. I knew him too.


New Member
La Plata coach dies in ... 04-20-2007 03:47 PM Racist


Explain to me, please, what I've said that is racist. Clearly, VERY FEW people believe what I have said to be racist, including members on this forum who say they are black. So, please, point out 5 examples of blatant racism. Please show me where I've criticized members of the black race and I'll show you where I've also criticized members of the white race and muslims and Mexicans. :popcorn:

Although, I don't expect you to do this because you don't even have the balls to sign your name, so I don't expect you to show up in here and say anything because you're just a terd coming from a lion's ass, and you know you're wrong. So, just go on back to whatever trash box you live in or step up. :jet:

Andy Marquis


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2ballscrewball said:
Is he a teacher?

How old is he?

Guy was 43 years old with a wife and 2 kids........He will be truly missed. We'll miss seeing him down at Wicomico Shores on a late Sunday afternoon hitting golf balls.

A wonderful human being.


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bfncbs1 said:
Guy was 43 years old with a wife and 2 kids........He will be truly missed. We'll miss seeing him down at Wicomico Shores on a late Sunday afternoon hitting golf balls.

A wonderful human being.

He was the La Plata High varsity coach for softball. Not a active teacher.