Ladies, how many of you...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...slept with all your stuffed animals piled around you when you were a kid so none of them would feel left out?


Well-Known Member
I did, but it was because I was afraid of the dark.

My security was my blanket and thumb. Thumb sucking stopped when forced to sleep with gloves on. Kept the blanket until just a few years ago after falling apart. Still looking for one to take its place..has to have just the right softness, smell etc.
My security was my blanket and thumb. Thumb sucking stopped when forced to sleep with gloves on. Kept the blanket until just a few years ago after falling apart. Still looking for one to take its place..has to have just the right softness, smell etc.

I still have my blanket. I still sleep with my blanket. :blushing:


Material Girl
PREMO Member
No stuffed animals, just my Chatty Cathy:baby: wrapped in a baby blanket.


Happy Camper
I don't remember sleeping with stuffed animals. My sister and I shared a bed though, so I guess you could say we were each other's stuffed animals! :lol: Until we got older at least. Then it was two twin beds and tape down the center of the room.


Active Member
I would tuck them all in bed and sometimes had no room left for me, so I would sleep on the floor. My mom used to threaten to throw them away whenever I did that. She just didn't understand...


God bless the USA
I would tuck them all in bed and sometimes had no room left for me, so I would sleep on the floor. My mom used to threaten to throw them away whenever I did that. She just didn't understand...

That is one of the cutest most endearing things I have read on this forum. I slept with Floppy Dog and my alphabet pink blanket until 1998 until our 2 rescue pups pulverized them one day when we left them in the bedroom together to run a quick errand. It was time to cut the cord, anyway. :lol: