Ladies, It’s Time To Stop Wearing Yoga Pants — But Not For The Reasons You Think


PREMO Member
Question of the Day: Why do women wear yoga pants everywhere?

This question was actually partially inspired by my colleague Ben Shapiro — but I have a different opinion than he does, for slightly different reasons.

Here’s what he had to say about yoga pants on The Ben Shapiro Show today:

Listen, I made this case to my friend Ali Beth Stuckey, who’s like, ‘yeah, yoga pants are fine. Women can wear yoga pants.’ But don’t be surprised when men stare at you because it hugs your ass. That’s just the reality. And when I say stare, it doesn’t mean to gawk at you. But if a man takes an occasional glance at the fact that you have a spray-painted ass, that is not a shock. That is not sexism. That is basic human biology.

Ben made a very fair point — absolutely. Yoga pants are sexier and men will look at you if you are wearing them. But, that’s not the only reason I wanted to cover this topic today. That’s not the issue I am most concerned with.



Raisin cane
It makes sense. I remember the old saying, dress for success. I never got into the yoga pants thing (maybe ‘cause I just can’t sport them). I am, however, very comfortable in jeans.
And speaking of jeans, I absolutely hate the filled-with-holes rags that some younger folks walk around in. Ugghhh. Who on earth thought that looks good?
And if we’re making some reforms, can we get the wanna-be gangsters to pull their pants up?

And get off my lawn.


Well-Known Member
I'll be durned if I'm going wear a good new pair of jeans to work outside or on the car. And the ripped ones are fine for house-lounging.
In the 80's, If you found a pair of Jordache $$$ that fit perfect you wore them until they turned to rags.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I haven't worn a pair of jeans since my first pair of Sportsman's Guide cargo pants arrived. I'm able to carry all my baggage without anything in the back pockets. My chiropractor told me to get rid of the wallet in my back pocket if I wanted my back to feel better. He was right.