Ladies Please



Just because they make something in your size does not mean you should wear it.

Well OK I guess it wasn't quite her size because she had rolls coming out the top of those low rise pants where you saw the poor thong stretched to its limits ready to break and put someones eye out.
Just because they make something in your size does not mean you should wear it.

Well OK I guess it wasn't quite her size because she had rolls coming out the top of those low rise pants where you saw the poor thong stretched to its limits ready to break and put someones eye out.

:mad: I was holding on to some water weight, azzhat. :smack:


Active Member
Just because they make something in your size does not mean you should wear it.

Well OK I guess it wasn't quite her size because she had rolls coming out the top of those low rise pants where you saw the poor thong stretched to its limits ready to break and put someones eye out.
Maybe she doesn't realize that she's fat? :shrug:


New Member
I don't think I'll ever understand why this bothers people so much.

Wear whatever you want. You won't get any of that kind of judgement from me. In fact, if it were up to me, I'd encourage more people to wear less regardless of their size.


Surely you jest ...
I don't care if you're 250 lbs or 130 you can dress appropriately. My pet peeve? Unless you're built like the preverbal "brick house" clothes shouldn't be size 'second skin' . Leave room to breath, at least a good fitting size or size larger so you can move without tugging, pulling and shifting your clothes every time you do. So rolls, thongs and flapjacks stay in place. The larger you are the longer tops should be as well as higher waisted pants should be.

Another quick note, if you're overweight then you know you are. Fashion these days give larger women choices they never had before. Pick wisely and you'll always look sharp. No size 'second skin' though, thats not flattering on anyone as I see it.



New Member
I don't know, I don't really agree with that. Compression style or stretchy clothing can often be much more comfortable than restrictive or large clothing. That's why yoga pants are so popular. When I exercise, I prefer compression style bottoms that stay put and comfortable no matter what I'm doing.

If a person's got a day full of errands to run, it's counterproductive to wear uncomfortable clothing. At the end of the day, it's more important to accomplish those tasks quickly and effectively than to worry about the opinions of other people that likely will never have a meaningful role in their life.

And, I don't mind seeing people's rolls and some jiggle. I sometimes also enjoy the confidence that comes with being comfortable with your body.

But, that's just me. I understand that others feel differently, I just don't understand why it's such a big deal. Like, why it actually bothers other people. I feel like that's more of a projection of your own personal insecurity and possible narcissism.


aka Mrs. Giant
I concur with MMM. I don't care what anybody else wears or doesn't wear. I don't understand why it's such an issue with people how other people look. :confused: Yes, I admit I am sometimes "entertained" by people's outfit choices, but I don't dress them, buy their clothes or pick out their make-up. Others choices in attire does not effect me. So ultimately, I don't care.


Surely you jest ...
I don't know, I don't really agree with that. Compression style or stretchy clothing can often be much more comfortable than restrictive or large clothing. That's why yoga pants are so popular. When I exercise, I prefer compression style bottoms that stay put and comfortable no matter what I'm doing.

If a person's got a day full of errands to run, it's counterproductive to wear uncomfortable clothing. At the end of the day, it's more important to accomplish those tasks quickly and effectively than to worry about the opinions of other people that likely will never have a meaningful role in their life.

And, I don't mind seeing people's rolls and some jiggle. I sometimes also enjoy the confidence that comes with being comfortable with your body.

But, that's just me. I understand that others feel differently, I just don't understand why it's such a big deal. Like, why it actually bothers other people. I feel like that's more of a projection of your own personal insecurity and possible narcissism.

I only stated my view on subject, just as you did in your first post. I don't understand why what I said is such a big deal. I certainly don't obsess or toss and turn nights over the subject, just my response to op.

I have no security issues and am certainly not narcissistic. Thanks for the judgement though, don't know why you felt the need. I didn't criticize your view.



New Member
I only stated my view on subject, just as you did in your first post. I don't understand why what I said is such a big deal. I certainly don't obsess or toss and turn nights over the subject, just my response to op. I have no security issues and am certainly not narcissistic. Thanks for the judgement though, don't know why you felt the need. I didn't criticize your view. :coffee:

That's not criticism, that's an opinion based on my own observation, to which I also feel your response is a bit of an overreaction. It wasn't directed solely at you but the collective group that shares your opinion. I apologize if that's unclear. When I say that I don't understand why it's such a big deal, I mean that I don't understand how it bothers a person to the extent that they need to post in on a public forum. Now, it could be simply to strike up conversation or debate or it could honestly bother the OP enough that they needed affirmation of their position through social media. Either way, it's confusing behavior to someone that rarely cares what other people wear.

Collectively, why do you care you if someone wears something that you consider unflattering?


Surely you jest ...
I feel like that's more of a projection of your own personal insecurity and possible narcissism.

This is what I read, not "peoples, some people, most people but your" sorry

That's not criticism, that's an opinion based on my own observation, to which I also feel your response is a bit of an overreaction. 1. It wasn't directed solely at you but the collective group that shares your opinion. I apologize if that's unclear. When I say that I don't understand why it's such a big deal, I mean that I don't understand how it bothers a person to the extent that they need to post in on a public forum. Now, it could be simply to strike up conversation or debate or it could honestly bother the OP enough that they needed affirmation of their position through social media. Either way, it's confusing behavior to someone that rarely cares what other people wear.

2. Collectively, why do you care you if someone wears something that you consider unflattering?

1. It was unclear to me sorry, I took it the way it read. Accepted.

2. I don't care per say, just like I said it was just my view on the issue in general. The reasons I feel some of these things happen. As I had posted, I don't waste any time or sleep on it. How people dress and choose to appear to others is their business.

I do feel my points were valid as well though, so my sig applies again.



New Member
This is what I read, not "peoples, some people, most people but your" sorry

1. It was unclear to me sorry, I took it the way it read. Accepted.

2. I don't care per say, just like I said it was just my view on the issue in general. The reasons I feel some of these things happen. As I had posted, I don't waste any time or sleep on it. How people dress and choose to appear to others is their business.

I do feel my points were valid as well though, so my sig applies again.


Very well. I will keep that in mind and try to be clearer in the future. I'll try to remember that you all are reading my words and not what I mean to say.

Also, I don't think your points are invalid, they are just foreign to me. Empathy is important to me so I try to explore things I don't understand, not to be negatively judgemental, althouth I am aware that it often comes off that way.