Lady Gaga: Art or Obscene?


Lawful neutral

The pop provocateur began her appearance at Stubb's BBQ on Thursday night during the annual music festival and conference by roasting herself on a spit like a gutted pig as her dancers basted her with barbecue brushes — and then things got really weird.

Part S&M sex club homage, part affirmational session, the show sponsored by Doritos to benefit her Born This Way Foundation included moments meant to provoke and others meant to inspire.

Gaga's set began with an attractive woman eating barbecued sausages in a provocative manner. Soon after completing the smoked meats portion of her hourlong show, Gaga invited friend Millie Brown on stage to assist on "Swine." Brown, a "vomit painter," proceeded to drink a full bottle of neon green liquid before forcing herself to throw up on the singer as she played drums.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...Gaga invited friend Millie Brown on stage to assist on "Swine." Brown, a "vomit painter," proceeded to drink a full bottle of neon green liquid before forcing herself to throw up on the singer as she played drums.

That IS disgusting.

Always hated drum solos.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Vomit painter :lmao:

See, how is it that people can be unemployed in this country when someone is making a living as a vomit painter???


Lawful neutral
I hope all the little tween girls that look up to her don't get a mixed message and think bulimia can be a career option.


Well-Known Member
One of my favorite drum solos of all time. Brings back memories.
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