Laproscopic Colon Resectioning


Well-Known Member
How long does it take before things get back to 'normal?' I ask because I had to have that done back in late March because the Dr. or someone on his surgical team screwed up.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Prunes are laxitives, as is pretty much anything I eat nowadays.....
I don't have that particular problem.

How much colon did you have removed? The colon is where the water is removed from the waste. If enough was removed, this may be your new normal.


Well-Known Member
How much colon did you have removed? The colon is where the water is removed from the waste. If enough was removed, this may be your new normal.

The Dr. told me 'about [ ] that much. I want to say that he specified something like 3 to 5 inches. I don't remember; I was on some gooood stuff at the time. This particular surgery was in late March/early April and I'm still.....well.....far from being blocked.
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Well-Known Member
Wait.....Wait.....I Misspoke

Imagine that, huh?

The colon is the last part, or end of that part of the digestive tract.

The surgery I had was higher up. It involved cutting into my lower right abdomen. I stink at biology, so that's what, the small intestine?
3-5" should not have that much impact on 'normal' functions. I would be talking to the doctor at this point.

I'm looking at having 1-2 feet removed soon. Really looking forward to that.


Well-Known Member
3-5" should not have that much impact on 'normal' functions. I would be talking to the doctor at this point.

I'm looking at having 1-2 feet removed soon. Really looking forward to that.

Well, like I said, I was on some gooood stuff; and my memory stinks anyway, so I'm not gonna recall guesstimations, specifics, or a visual depicting "about that much." Of course, when I asked how long it would be before I had 'normal' movements again, I get 'Well, it's gonna be a while.' So far, it's been just over four months, give or take a week.
Not trying to be sarcastic BTW.
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Well-Known Member
3-5" should not have that much impact on 'normal' functions. I would be talking to the doctor at this point.

I'm looking at having 1-2 feet removed soon. Really looking forward to that.

1-2 feet? Of intestine, right? WTH happened?


Well-Known Member
Colon resection due to diverticulosis.

D*mn.....sorry to hear that. Good luck.
And just think, You may be in a smilar boat to the one I'm in, post-surgery.
My size 34 jeans have more room in them now with regard to waist size anyway <snort>; one notch tighter on the ol' belt.


Active Member
I think you need to get a little more proactive about your health. You don't know what was removed or even exactly how much and whether you should be back to normal by now or not. Log off the computer and phone the doctor's office. Make an appointment. Before you go, write down the things you need to know. What was removed, how should you be feeling about now, does your diet need to change and how long before you feel like your old self again. If you should be feeling different than you are now, what is the next course of action, is there another type of doctor you should be seeing. If your doctor can't answer those questions to your satisfaction, find another doctor. Take charge of your health and your body. No one will take better care of you than you.