Largest County In Maryland Vows Not To Cooperate With ICE


Main Streeter
At some point it's no longer just having a discussion, and it becomes arguing for the sake of it. I was married to someone like that for 10 very long years. I've put in my time. Now I no longer participate when the discussion goes off the rails.

Other people seem to enjoy the endless back and forth, so I'm happy to leave them to it.

I can understand this. Which is why I, often times, will end my participation in an endless argument with "We'll just have to agree to disagree." then I move on.


Well-Known Member
It would seem to me to be self-evident that a representative should represent their district - by virtue of the fact that only members of his district may vote for him and that districts are adjusted and deleted or added with respect to population. Even more by the deliberation that created it in the first place, since originally the plan was NOT to have a bicameral legislature - a body directly answerable to the people was created (originally, the Senate was NOT voted into office by the people).

If for some reason we only in reality elected a slate of representatives according to party - well, we'd more or less have PARLIAMENT. As it is, when Congress was formed, there were no "parties" and Washington strongly advised against them. That being the case, the design could never have meant "go to DC and meet up with your party chums and vote with them".

And historically, reps HAVE gone to bat for their constituents. Who else is going to do that?


Well-Known Member
What do you think the ****ing "House of Representatives" means???

Good grief. :banghead:

Hey @Chris0nllyn ? This is the sh*t I'm talking about.
Vrai, you are arguing MY point!!!

Here's the synopsis:

Pitt: Representatives don't represent DC.

Me: Yes, they do. The constitution says they govern DC.

Pitt: Yahbut, that's just "govern", not "represent".

Me: No, that's what "govern" means - represent the people of the area.

Pitt: No, it doesn't say they represent, it says they "govern".

Me: :rolleyes: Really? Is that REALLY your position? Fine, then where does it say Representatives represent their district? It doesn't, so they must not, huh [nudge, nudge - do you get you're wrong and they DO represent?]?

You came in and commented on the last line without consideration of the rest. You're agreeing with me, but not understanding I'm being sarcastic to make a point.


God bless the USA

It is a good thing that I understand Espanol. In all the years I took it in school to be knowledgeable, I didn’t know that the knowledge could save my life. I can act like one of them. Now, that MoCo is on board with the sanctuary thing, where does that leave citizens that have the right to be here. I think it is funny when I pass Hispanics in the grocery store, or wherever, and they don’t know I understand what they are saying. It is not going to be that funny if the political poop continues. It is sad that I keep all exterior doors double bolted at all times, now. I never felt the need to do that in Calvert. And, to think I was annoyed all these years with ‘press one for English, and two for Espanol’. That was nothing compared to what is happening, now. God bless the USA. :patriot:
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Main Streeter

It is a good thing that I understand Espanol. In all the years I took it in school to be knowledgeable, I didn’t know that the knowledge could save my life. I can act like one of them. Now, that MoCo is on board with the sanctuary thing, where does that leave citizens that have the right to be here. I think it is funny when I pass Hispanics in the grocery store, or wherever, and they don’t know I understand what they are saying. It is not going to be that funny if the political poop continues. It is sad that I keep all exterior doors double bolted at all times, now. I never felt the need to do that in Calvert. And, to think I was annoyed all these years with ‘press one for English, and two for Espanol’. That was nothing compared to what is happening, now. God bless the USA. :patriot:



God bless the USA

The only reason we were not there is because we were grandtot, and critter sitting. I want to thank all that went there to demonstrate the right of freedom, and that we will not be dictated to. Go, patriots! :patriot:
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