Larry and other attendee's...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If Joe Gibbs...

BuddyLee said:
You guys are the 12 man, make sure you bust a lung! :yay:

...rolls the O out there and continues to play not to lose then I will be sitting on my hands.

Last week was the miracle of just how bad the Cardinals are. A guy Gibbs cut because of ONE fumble saved Mark Brunnels inept bacon once again with a kick off return. The guy threw four pics against the Cardinals.

Brunnel played like crap against a poor Rams team as well.

17 points against San Diego.

13 points against...the Raiders.

We are not in a position where teams have to come and get us; we, with all the problems and injuries and mistakes, just about control our fate IF WE WIN.

15 teams average 21 points or more per game. 21 points. That is Gibbs stated goal. We're under 20. That's better than last year but it's not 21, it's not enough.

Make Brunnel perform. Put the pressure on him, the big shot, veteren guy, to do his thing, the thing he was brought here to do.

Dallas is coming with pressure; FIND the open man. FIND HIM. HIT HIM.

If the team, if the coaches are playing to beat Dallas, I won't be able to talk Monday.

If Gibbs decides that 'the' way is still to leave the defense hanging, series after series, then I won't be able to shut up Monday.

It's time for Mark to #### or get off the pot. The amazing thing is that we honestly have a chance.

FedEx will start as a absolute mad house. It truly hurts your ears in the stands and it shakes your whole body. It is simply awesome. It's gotta be deafening on the field. But it's fragile.

Gibbs has gotta use that awesome power; go after Dallas, attack them. Let's get on them and not get off. I'm telling you, a 3 and out for us is a buzz kill. Making them go three and out or take a time out or simply not even be able to hear will just bring down the walls on them.

Gibbs, you want a 12th man? Use us. Play to win. Don't leave Dallas with a chance at the end. Don't sit on your play book or we'll be sitting on our ass. Go after them and we will be behind you every step.


Nothing to see here
Here's your mission, Larry, should you decide to accept it. Sneak down to the field where the players come out of the tunnel and call Brunell over to shake his hand..make sure you stick out your left hand and when he grabs yours, pretend that you are gripping a pitching wedge and have a delicate chip from 10 yards off the green. The thought of that should cause an immediate tightening of your hand muscles, breaking Brunells hand, forcing Gibbs to start Ramsey, thus saving the day for all redskin fans everywhere.


otter said:
Here's your mission, Larry, should you decide to accept it. Sneak down to the field where the players come out of the tunnel and call Brunell over to shake his hand..make sure you stick out your left hand and when he grabs yours, pretend that you are gripping a pitching wedge and have a delicate chip from 10 yards off the green. The thought of that should cause an immediate tightening of your hand muscles, breaking Brunells hand, forcing Gibbs to start Ramsey, thus saving the day for all redskin fans everywhere.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
And then...

otter said:
Here's your mission, Larry, should you decide to accept it. Sneak down to the field where the players come out of the tunnel and call Brunell over to shake his hand..make sure you stick out your left hand and when he grabs yours, pretend that you are gripping a pitching wedge and have a delicate chip from 10 yards off the green. The thought of that should cause an immediate tightening of your hand muscles, breaking Brunells hand, forcing Gibbs to start Ramsey, thus saving the day for all redskin fans everywhere. Mark pointed out the culprit, Chris Samuals, Jon Jenson, Randy Thomas, Casey Raubach and Derrick Dockery gently, but firmly informed a crazed fan that it is best to not touch their quarterback. They then called for housekeeping to remove the remains...


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Note to self: Bring extra pennies (then leave for Danny)
Bring inhaler (upper deck asthma attack would really suck)
