Larry Coker Fired


Set Trippin
The program looks like its sliding downhill under coker honestly.... Every year it gets worse and worse...



They call me ... Sarcasmo
We should thank the "U" for beating BC. The Terps now need to beat Wake this weekend, PERIOD.


All Up In Your Grill
mainman said:
The program looks like its sliding downhill under coker honestly.... Every year it gets worse and worse...


True, but why now? Why not wait until after the Bowl game situation? Now the team will be even more in turmoil, knowing they are playing for the coach who got fired. I totally agree with what you're saying, but I think it would have been more tactful to announce it AFTER they play in the bowl game, not fire the coach now.


New Member
Better Now

They should have fired him long time ago before Butch Davis was hired at NC. This guy inherited a great team and piggy backed that to two BCS title games. He only won one: technically should have won two but a ref saw something the rest of the world didn't see. Larry hasn't recruited a single star. I think he felt the program should recruit on its own. Bad bad bad decision. The question shouldn't be why now, it should be what took so long.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Because that's what they do...

nachomama said:

They beat BC last night, pretty much ensured a bowl bid, and the guy's still going to coach that bowl game. So why did they fire him now? :confused: year five or six of a coaches stay with them. Every coach from Howard Shnellenburger, who put them on the national football powerhouse map, to Jimmy Johnson, Dennis Erickson, Butch Davis and now Coker has lasted 5 or 6 years.

As to why now, right now, they want a new guy in place ASAP so recruiting is disrupted as little as possible. Point being they want Coker out anyway, regardless of beating BC, and if they don't get on with it, now, recruits might change their minds not knowing who the new coach is.