Larry may blow a gasket ...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I thought this was going to be about how Dubbya gave a speech saying if he had it all to do over again, he woulda listened to me but polls on at the time showed that everyone else thought he was done a fine job and that now he realizes how smart I am and how dumb y'all are and he's sorry and aw shucks and that BDS is in fact, Bush Denial Syndrome and so forth... :evil:

In any event, Snyder long ago stopped making my blood pressure go up because, like Dubbya, like Obama, he simply is what he is and there's no sense expecting more, or less, out of him or anyone else and, to that point, what actually does surprise me is that we don't have Suh yet or Peterson or both. Yet. :lol:

As for Mariota at 5, that's not even comment worthy; of course they'd take him at five and rightly so. If a guy like that FALLS in your lap, if you don't have to trade the farm to get him, you take him. Mocks have the Skins taking a DL or LB at 5 and that is simply absurd. WR would be even more dumb. It's a QB league, period, and you can build everything else. Even a guy like Suh does not, can not, will not have the impact of a top QB. It is TOUGH to develop a QB, to find another Brady in the 6th, a Russel Wilson in the 3rd. I won't call it luck because it can, and still will, happen so, in my view, Mariota isn't going to be there anyway and I don't believe people have actually fallen for the Winston charm offensive. Another thing you CAN'T have is a character issue that high up. Winston should be a late first or even a second and then, having to deal with the drop, the slap in the face, maybe he grows up. He is NOT going to grow up being rewarded for all his childishness at #1.

Plus, Bucs, Titans bot need a QB. So do the Jets at 6 as well as the Bears at 7 who HAVE to be done with Cutler and the Falcons have got to be done with Matty Ice at 8.

Texans at 16 need a QB as well. You read through all those team names and think about QB and tell me NONE of them are going to be willing to outright take Marcus or trade a good bit to get him?

The Redskins need DEPTH. They need YOUNG linemen on both sides and they could use the traded #5 anywhere after on a top O line guy, get some others on down the board.

One of the things that stunned me yesterday listening to the radio, the average NFL career WAS 4 years. It's dropped nearly a full year. 3 years. That's it. Everyone was blown away when the Pat's traded Mankins, an OUTSTANDING O line man in his prime and in good health, taking AWAY protection from Brady based on a youngster having the ability, in their view, to be coached into the position. Worked out well enough. Point being, as a STARTING point, you have GOT to have MOBS of young bodies. The Skins can make do at QB with McCoy and Cousins and maybe even Robert. It should be unthinkable to draft Mariota at 5 but, if he's there, he's there. Tom Brady, Eli, Peyton, Wilson, all those guys have GOOD O and D lines and depth everywhere else. Wilson would have done no better than RGIII here.

Football was a team game, is a team game and always will be. That's why it was bad to trade so much for Robert and makes sense to take Mariota; the former COST the team, the latter is ONE pick.


Now, about that George Bush character.... :jameo: :lol:

The Skins BEST move is to trade a late 1, a 2 and maybe two more later picks in exchange for the opportunity to get Mariota.


It's definitely a QB league and you don't win without a QB, but you don't take a QB just because he's the next one available (when will the Skins learn?). If he makes sense as the #5 pick, then you absolutely take him. The problem is many are doubting whether he's worthy of a top 10 pick. I only bring this up because I saw an article about this the other day after Jake Locker retired. The 2011 draft had 4 QBs drafted in the top 12. Cam Newton, Jake Locker, Blaine Gabbert, and Christian Ponder. Only one of those players remains with his team and has any success. Drafting a QB doesn't guarantee success if it's not the right pick. Those 3 QBs were all elevated in the draft because they were QBs. If those teams had instead focused that #1 pick elsewhere, they may have had more success down the line. It should be notes that every player in the top 12 outside of those 3 QBs has been to at least 1 Pro Bowl.

The Redskins are the perfect example of a team that mortgaged their future on a QB that didn't pan out. The Rams game last season, where the Rams captains were the bounty of players that came as a result of the RGIII trade, was the perfect slap in the face. RGIII might have been the right pick that year (whereas Mariota may not be top 10 this year), but you can see what happens when a top 10 pick is used incorrectly on a QB. So if Mariota is worth the #5 slot, the Skins should draft him. If he's not worth a top 5 slot, then you take best player available and continue building your team with solid draft picks until the right QB comes along. I read one beat writer who says you should draft a QB every year (not always the first round, of course) until you find "the one". THAT I agree with. It's a shame that even though the Skins doubled down with Cousins, they still haven't found a bonafide QB.

Bucs need a QB, agreed. They are taking Winston
Titans think they found a QB and are rolling with Mettenberger.
Jets probably won't draft one this year in the top 10. They have Fitzpatrick and Geno Smith, who they still think could pan out. But they just changed GM so maybe there will be a shift.
Bears said they're rolling with Cutler this year. They invested too much money to give up. They need to give him an OL.
You're high if you think the Falcons are done with Matt Ryan. He also got a big contract and is probably too expensive to cut.
Texans need a QB, but they're experimenting with Hoyer and Mallett and will probably go with them this year.

Who do the Rams have right now? Maybe that's the team that grabs him. Otherwise, there aren't many suitors for Mariota right now...he could free-fall like Rodgers if the Skins and Rams don't take a shot at him.
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Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Trade the pick and get a boat load of draft picks. Reverse the bobby trey curse.

It's sort of funny how the Patriots never have any high draft picks, but they are consistently putting a quality team on the field. 12 years in a row of 10+ wins and 12 division championships. In comparison, in the same time frame, the Redskins have 2 ten or more win seasons and a single division title.
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I'm going to have to disagree with Larry and Beta on this one, how many QB's have we got to go through to prove it isn't thier fault? RG3 had a good first year because he was very mobile and compensated for a weak line, as soon as he was slowed up he was marginal. Give any halfway decent QB a decent line to work behind and they'll shine.


Well-Known Member
Trade RG3, our #1 and one of the running backs(any of em, I don't care which one) to the Titans for their pick. Go into the season with Cousins starting Mariota backing up. Time to get totally out of the RG3 business. Wishful thinking that the Titans would go for it, but what the hell. Mariota is the real deal, get him if ya can.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Bears said they're rolling with Cutler this year. They invested too much money to give up. .

The Bears are lying their ass off. NO ONE would plan one more PLAY let alone a season with Cutler whatever the cost. It is OVER. DONE. Gone up. Finito Benito.

Same thing with the Skins. They blew it and Robert is done. The only bright spot is they aren't paying him HUGE dollars, too. Cutler was on a fine team in Denver and had flashes. He's been on solid Bear teams. It ain't going to happen. Grumpy told me a long time ago Cutler was junk. He was right then and nothing has changed to make Jay NOT blow up.

:shrug: Mariota is, right now, a better QB than RGIII who is done. Over. Fini. Everyone keeps pointing to '12 as some sort of baseline. It was an odd year and right place, right time for the gimmick that was his play. He's not going to be a starter in this league ANYWHERE.

Sad to say.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Go into the season with Cousins starting Mariota backing up. Time to get totally out of the RG3 business.

Yup, yup.

That's why Robert is OVER. I can NOT see ANYONE wanting him. What does he bring? Nothing. Not particularly accurate. The legs and running are no longer explosive. He has no clue how to avoid big hits because he has more heart than head. He reads slow, reacts slow and brings over head bins full of baggage.

Who would want him and why? Other than cheap or free? Who is he, CLEARLY, better than?