Laser Har removal


New Member
Laser Hair removal

I've been refered to Heaven and Earth Medispa for laser hair removal. I'm tired of getting a playboy wax once a month and want to have it done permently. Has anyone had any experience with the laser hair removal at this spa? Who does the actual procedure? TIA
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Methodically disorganized
No idea how to answer your questions...

I just think it's funny that somebody from So. CA pronounces "hair" the same way as the old-time So. MDers. :lol:


Well-Known Member
No idea how to answer your questions...

I just think it's funny that somebody from So. CA pronounces "hair" the same way as the old-time So. MDers. :lol:

I think some of the old-time So MDers could use a little har removal.


New Member
I've been refered to Heaven and Earth Medispa for laser hair removal. I'm tired of getting a playboy wax once a month and want to have it done permently. Has anyone had any experience with the laser hair removal at this spa? Who does the actual procedure? TIA
I've never had any laser hair removal, but if you have concerns about having it done at a place like Heaven and Earth Medispa, I know that among the services offered at the "Shanti Medical Center - Allergy & Dermatology Associates" in Leonardtown is laser hair removal. And my experiences with the staff and doctors there has always been excellent. I'm sure if I ever get tired of manscaping enough to consider laser hair removal, this would be the first place I'd check out :p.


Well-Known Member
Medspa at Dr. Moon's office in Hollywood is great. The prices are lower than all of the places I've called. I called around for an entire day before making the decision. 301-373-2116 :yay:


USMC 1983-1995
I go to H&E in Lusby. I'm have a series of facial peel to remove sun damage and hyperpigmentation. I was told that you'll need at least 4-6 treatments for success. But know that laser hair removal is more like a reduction vice permanent removal. They're a good outfit, but get referrals if you can for several places and then make your decision.


New Member
It's a bit far, but she did a great job w/me. Capital Laser in Arlington/Rosslyn. Prices are pretty good, not sure in comparison to any place down there. Didn't know SOMD had any laser removal. It does work and usually comes in sessions or package deal. If you're a brunette w/light skin, seems to have best results. I've heard it from a couple of different sources who perform laser hair removal. Capital Laser has a website too w/price listing. Just google "Capital Laser".